;;;; ;;;; This is quicklisp.lisp, the quickstart file for Quicklisp. To use ;;;; it, start Lisp, then (load "quicklisp.lisp") ;;;; ;;;; Quicklisp is beta software and comes with no warranty of any kind. ;;;; ;;;; For more information about the Quicklisp beta, see: ;;;; ;;;; http://www.quicklisp.org/beta/ ;;;; ;;;; If you have any questions or comments about Quicklisp, please ;;;; contact: ;;;; ;;;; Zach Beane ;;;; #| This is the key for , key id 307965AB028B5FF7. It is used to validate subsequent downloads. It can be imported into gpg with "gpg --import quicklisp.lisp". -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBFLbH+QBEACmJuYEGLaJnIRqORpcHTvPavMrYB9SFN2KgCK41TOVuuyW2kKp sv5xbiT6FVdonlUIduy0DVMIfigLWs72lMu79e5/lJ+9GTrMvtNRxH4p3yHWnHcC wUNn3kz2weHX3KTw5x4yu4Zo4niHethMW1GIID5hUTKdvSLJ3jKJs9+dZaSeeUE9 A2/2/GhmzXZA0dcNE9+dl5U0O81bs4IgitO8wdQmWYd93S/LdrSWMJ6J8OufxTNQ 1mtodSWZvSJXKR7YY+7hF9p4N1SfTEgMrSRFIY4YEaPghr51qWYkluHKgjCLpHn8 wwTrSiMifSEIMJ+zGj8CJ7wxa9yWlwmR9RhiB23WRS/M2Tx9/lLy/x7fNmgU1HRJ 41WKuVeO72BTalu7aojzOH4I4jbtAV3Wuc3Y8EI2JLDwn++wyVuCIn4ZyfVtiyHY UekmUIiOMPDqoOGtiHnE2eItZ3cCd3M6ZJN7CFRCnS4HCSshnErxWWpErwQEduhn Vr/H0qy8AcFDCRbs7q84r4A1BElTExtV6Gyj+oYoQ9RkPz0Q1nySBAGdsYtSJ2zM qmQrVAT0VMW918/xYak6mBbgRIxOZdJnvnvQtsH/GkQA1RzxpuTPJEXpMPY1Mryq +RZJabxNIir63DEWgv8jG/VtdAih/1CDoAshgKDuPul3t/pkyzmRs3g5PQARAQAB tDVRdWlja2xpc3AgUmVsZWFzZSBTaWduaW5nIEtleSA8cmVsZWFzZUBxdWlja2xp c3Aub3JnPokCOQQTAQIAIwUCUtsf5AIbAwcLCQgHAwIBBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEDB5ZasCi1/3CskP/05qqR6SDQ5T5e+9iOHhElV5EA3ToxA17oorlEBj NSGls3UjPkpZ4H6lDJGyCeA18gVY3gUl8Wyg70mfrAJn65RjQMq0p8Dhjuw2k1F7 u9hOSyy5f1Y7PbwoZb2M1odS1OL8G7jHnJLiRw0BikN3NRzzsf8kzWGQYzaknu4d QxHFLUesp7gwzdKQKrM4utM825mSXQ0LxEXrEILKsksIwg+rOJmh/dE8hl/TS+Tb NkLlafDRejrRdAwn0O3edyFphHCILyI2y7nYOTzBKw9X39NzjrzbkUcZyBch8YTl 4aJWl7ni2jsYPY3C1sJGNcZtCbeHQ11rB8F+yHqxRSpz/V4vS+Rtp1+fmr/DpuK6 L0aAclxLAfvl5yFUjNcG0Q/ARkdHnZxicAobCekJaxsK7oMvvB0ftVyMC/EhqAVD KupTNJJvPuQe83KVcF/JRkqpv01TTZ/7vNsO+VMy9KWb/DT0FQwa5Vvv+bVhXZK5 tckI63jISknaTA8Zqf8LK4mPrYQB35kyRyiE+ekwNVtXvnGaq91yOJKdwWMRKBct wLspCb0d9Xqa3eKM+PEjFCKQ0oj9Y6vM56yDRQYIO0+u0WArnXj3NYqjoo2WQJW+ +RAcD8F2q4r2tzhmAS6l9cI8ZfyHz7igLPDEA+3JgocFuShxrdk8CWcnqo4lK8mP +7VDiEYEEBECAAYFAlLbI6UACgkQccpK/uAyE9JSPgCdEmYU/gIbmB9pHNs8fHR7 3KRI56gAnA/f/jmKyolQPyhaMTMrgdo1kahTiEYEEBECAAYFAlLpHDEACgkQy3K1 sNSLbUr/QwCg3LpabRyfqtI+UKAAIZ8dWQXCzOIAnRtHbBNcLG4iE1T1KoqgM9l7 5fDhiQEiBBABAgAMBQJS6R1sBQMAEnUAAAoJEJcQuJvKV618cLoH/2ip2qOnhxF3 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x8vYtSbUGYC6bqYGiRwZvf/INzSpFVfs7ZwaM7uuOnwZ/Bd1+Sz/q87J2JgpdbcV 3ugpR71xQHQ5uj6YLCMf687Wzx8ox4XnRD1wn7zDiVfu6dTECGX9bY2uTl8iiWKc JqzzjMPQd2rMl5qinwQJWhKN30GGsgV20H4DB32RmHByJIej3dFsWEfhRtm23Vs+ H3ehr5QHDeppD/u5hiMnJY6+4Ay6uMZypGwh+s2iVcchZlF1kfFW3NNk5PfUCfe9 l6FkdLNr6EkB9rJupKVvjYVXVPvlyT6JAhwEEAECAAYFAlU4wEgACgkQoi+Cd7mY hSHdgw//Rh3do8agp7CU1W9x+lr+HTOmWA4a42TLvWDMeBdbMN7fQ+AKiMDGL8me oko9Wq+0/j4isbDXuDKAGX27kdTyCZnVXPGL5Wepa2yfbiNMAj5H6FY6+WATCsnC n1PtyisVrJ02tyKfG/SW0+FkQvPKgIwi6tPr6gHXkhr5mb55guptm0s8+eeL9B6P C6qw0i/Fi1Bbf14zHW1/BW3sZDRDEGGgC1CXUAQs5MIxMUOCaofnW59NB02omawl lMDkLjRwtQLUEgdukWmudcYEYqnkSP7tSXnAkpjYVjYiDvREFUF3GCNGQie92o+z tGM3JgUhY2nuoyG6CMkAivdeENJr/AjN7on2wJDab3ej+2tgscG+VhBGhrQtDNcS MW37wrNJ0bNElOaU5CeYdPtXvB1d3eetgzi22mgRcDv1fNaSRpKb4fFRAimhA6oi AWhcWKh0El9Dj5C/wVzXjfRwKd8AFWdwthZ0TQzvURN1mlPE/fk2nefXlkvcLP9p c7UchJ9u4RqREMaZ84668es8ZFbSAsD+1nvM+AvXjCP24kMkAYygmlqPzECJBKzt rO2zJSOwEf0sK9lPhrcz4H1D44Zc+zyJxqwCEwt0LQVt/oQaA0cHaUDMYR6b9J+v 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tjnmP7LFnvStv0bcvBrEGg6cig5FTObp/4Z9dLZw7YvQO8qF7MTPjoJ/5BaLEQON Z+Gz9cmlFWIL8o2zcSnXgf7sEN6wVOCOphHEAzDDEX9hQdXaFDBf+RLfmGfnWob9 jBvn5uBcE2dx+k12Re6MfuOvfC++/ytL/lPphSsjD81k/KaniPiJPdmqalPBqvJU JLagXVmHHEbEFCtyKb+330pA3/2S0/nlY2uEHaQng6WxquVH3K3UkS7nHjxGEQmG fpNm6tGo02uhYdrMacx1B+MEp3D2j9G6QkWsOgfQ6hhNm+oGIHp7WZQ4XYoOpP0X 3F/cfLA1/RHQ3EEADJa9bUADxYe3o64HHz/J4YXIv3SZPipGkHO0H/dnuMfXJlU= =LUL5 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- |# (cl:in-package #:cl-user) (cl:defpackage #:qlqs-user (:use #:cl)) (cl:in-package #:qlqs-user) (defpackage #:qlqs-info (:export #:*version*)) (defvar qlqs-info:*version* "2017-02-07") (defpackage #:qlqs-impl (:use #:cl) (:export #:*implementation*) (:export #:definterface #:defimplementation) (:export #:lisp #:abcl #:allegro #:ccl #:clasp #:clisp #:cmucl #:cormanlisp #:ecl #:gcl #:lispworks #:mkcl #:scl #:sbcl)) (defpackage #:qlqs-impl-util (:use #:cl #:qlqs-impl) (:export #:call-with-quiet-compilation)) (defpackage #:qlqs-network (:use #:cl #:qlqs-impl) (:export #:open-connection #:write-octets #:read-octets #:close-connection #:with-connection)) (defpackage #:qlqs-progress (:use #:cl) (:export #:make-progress-bar #:start-display #:update-progress #:finish-display)) (defpackage #:qlqs-http (:use #:cl #:qlqs-network #:qlqs-progress) (:export #:fetch #:*proxy-url* #:*maximum-redirects* #:*default-url-defaults*)) (defpackage #:qlqs-minitar (:use #:cl) (:export #:unpack-tarball)) (defpackage #:qlqs-openpgp (:use #:cl) (:export #:verify-signature #:load-signature #:load-public-key #:file-sha-string #:sha256 #:ascii-armor-data)) (defpackage #:quicklisp-quickstart (:use #:cl #:qlqs-impl #:qlqs-impl-util #:qlqs-http #:qlqs-minitar #:qlqs-openpgp) (:export #:install #:help #:*proxy-url* #:*asdf-url* #:*quicklisp-tar-url* #:*setup-url* #:*help-message* #:*after-load-message* #:*after-initial-setup-message*)) ;;; ;;; Defining implementation-specific packages and functionality ;;; (in-package #:qlqs-impl) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun error-unimplemented (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (error "Not implemented"))) (defmacro neuter-package (name) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((definition (fdefinition 'error-unimplemented))) (do-external-symbols (symbol ,(string name)) (unless (fboundp symbol) (setf (fdefinition symbol) definition)))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun feature-expression-passes-p (expression) (cond ((keywordp expression) (member expression *features*)) ((consp expression) (case (first expression) (or (some 'feature-expression-passes-p (rest expression))) (and (every 'feature-expression-passes-p (rest expression))))) (t (error "Unrecognized feature expression -- ~S" expression))))) (defmacro define-implementation-package (feature package-name &rest options) (let* ((output-options '((:use) (:export #:lisp))) (prep (cdr (assoc :prep options))) (class-option (cdr (assoc :class options))) (class (first class-option)) (superclasses (rest class-option)) (import-options '()) (effectivep (feature-expression-passes-p feature))) (dolist (option options) (ecase (first option) ((:prep :class)) ((:import-from :import) (push option import-options)) ((:export :shadow :intern :documentation) (push option output-options)) ((:reexport-from) (push (cons :export (cddr option)) output-options) (push (cons :import-from (cdr option)) import-options)))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ,@(when effectivep prep) (defclass ,class ,superclasses ()) (defpackage ,package-name ,@output-options ,@(when effectivep import-options)) ,@(when effectivep `((setf *implementation* (make-instance ',class)))) ,@(unless effectivep `((neuter-package ,package-name)))))) (defmacro definterface (name lambda-list &body options) (let* ((forbidden (intersection lambda-list lambda-list-keywords)) (gf-options (remove :implementation options :key #'first)) (implementations (set-difference options gf-options))) (when forbidden (error "~S not allowed in definterface lambda list" forbidden)) (flet ((method-option (class body) `(:method ((*implementation* ,class) ,@lambda-list) ,@body))) (let ((generic-name (intern (format nil "%~A" name)))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defgeneric ,generic-name (lisp ,@lambda-list) ,@gf-options ,@(mapcar (lambda (implementation) (destructuring-bind (class &rest body) (rest implementation) (method-option class body))) implementations)) (defun ,name ,lambda-list (,generic-name *implementation* ,@lambda-list))))))) (defmacro defimplementation (name-and-options lambda-list &body body) (destructuring-bind (name &key (for t) qualifier) (if (consp name-and-options) name-and-options (list name-and-options)) (unless for (error "You must specify an implementation name.")) (let ((generic-name (find-symbol (format nil "%~A" name)))) (unless (and generic-name (fboundp generic-name)) (error "~S does not name an implementation function" name)) `(defmethod ,generic-name ,@(when qualifier (list qualifier)) ,(list* `(*implementation* ,for) lambda-list) ,@body)))) ;;; Bootstrap implementations (defvar *implementation* nil) (defclass lisp () ()) ;;; Allegro Common Lisp (define-implementation-package :allegro #:qlqs-allegro (:documentation "Allegro Common Lisp - http://www.franz.com/products/allegrocl/") (:class allegro) (:reexport-from #:socket #:make-socket) (:reexport-from #:excl #:read-vector)) ;;; Armed Bear Common Lisp (define-implementation-package :abcl #:qlqs-abcl (:documentation "Armed Bear Common Lisp - http://common-lisp.net/project/armedbear/") (:class abcl) (:reexport-from #:system #:make-socket #:get-socket-stream)) ;;; Clozure CL (define-implementation-package :ccl #:qlqs-ccl (:documentation "Clozure Common Lisp - http://www.clozure.com/clozurecl.html") (:class ccl) (:reexport-from #:ccl #:make-socket)) ;;; CLASP (define-implementation-package :clasp #:qlqs-clasp (:documentation "CLASP - http://github.com/drmeister/clasp") (:class clasp) (:prep (require 'sockets)) (:intern #:host-network-address) (:reexport-from #:sb-bsd-sockets #:get-host-by-name #:host-ent-address #:socket-connect #:socket-make-stream #:inet-socket)) ;;; GNU CLISP (define-implementation-package :clisp #:qlqs-clisp (:documentation "GNU CLISP - http://clisp.cons.org/") (:class clisp) (:reexport-from #:socket #:socket-connect) (:reexport-from #:ext #:read-byte-sequence)) ;;; CMUCL (define-implementation-package :cmu #:qlqs-cmucl (:documentation "CMU Common Lisp - http://www.cons.org/cmucl/") (:class cmucl) (:reexport-from #:ext #:*gc-verbose*) (:reexport-from #:system #:make-fd-stream) (:reexport-from #:extensions #:connect-to-inet-socket)) (defvar qlqs-cmucl:*gc-verbose* nil) ;;; Scieneer CL (define-implementation-package :scl #:qlqs-scl (:documentation "Scieneer Common Lisp - http://www.scieneer.com/scl/") (:class scl) (:reexport-from #:system #:make-fd-stream) (:reexport-from #:extensions #:connect-to-inet-socket)) ;;; ECL (define-implementation-package :ecl #:qlqs-ecl (:documentation "ECL - http://ecls.sourceforge.net/") (:class ecl) (:prep (require 'sockets)) (:intern #:host-network-address) (:reexport-from #:sb-bsd-sockets #:get-host-by-name #:host-ent-address #:socket-connect #:socket-make-stream #:inet-socket)) ;;; LispWorks (define-implementation-package :lispworks #:qlqs-lispworks (:documentation "LispWorks - http://www.lispworks.com/") (:class lispworks) (:prep (require "comm")) (:reexport-from #:comm #:open-tcp-stream #:get-host-entry)) ;;; SBCL (define-implementation-package :sbcl #:qlqs-sbcl (:class sbcl) (:documentation "Steel Bank Common Lisp - http://www.sbcl.org/") (:prep (require 'sb-bsd-sockets)) (:intern #:host-network-address) (:reexport-from #:sb-ext #:compiler-note) (:reexport-from #:sb-bsd-sockets #:get-host-by-name #:inet-socket #:host-ent-address #:socket-connect #:socket-make-stream)) ;;; MKCL (define-implementation-package :mkcl #:qlqs-mkcl (:class mkcl) (:documentation "ManKai Common Lisp - http://common-lisp.net/project/mkcl/") (:prep (require 'sockets)) (:intern #:host-network-address) (:reexport-from #:sb-bsd-sockets #:get-host-by-name #:inet-socket #:host-ent-address #:socket-connect #:socket-make-stream)) ;;; ;;; Utility function ;;; (in-package #:qlqs-impl-util) (definterface call-with-quiet-compilation (fun) (:implementation t (let ((*load-verbose* nil) (*compile-verbose* nil) (*load-print* nil) (*compile-print* nil)) (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning)) (funcall fun))))) (defimplementation (call-with-quiet-compilation :for sbcl :qualifier :around) (fun) (declare (ignorable fun)) (handler-bind ((qlqs-sbcl:compiler-note #'muffle-warning)) (call-next-method))) (defimplementation (call-with-quiet-compilation :for cmucl :qualifier :around) (fun) (declare (ignorable fun)) (let ((qlqs-cmucl:*gc-verbose* nil)) (call-next-method))) ;;; ;;; Low-level networking implementations ;;; (in-package #:qlqs-network) (definterface host-address (host) (:implementation t host) (:implementation mkcl (qlqs-mkcl:host-ent-address (qlqs-mkcl:get-host-by-name host))) (:implementation sbcl (qlqs-sbcl:host-ent-address (qlqs-sbcl:get-host-by-name host)))) (definterface open-connection (host port) (:implementation t (declare (ignorable host port)) (error "Sorry, quicklisp in implementation ~S is not supported yet." (lisp-implementation-type))) (:implementation allegro (qlqs-allegro:make-socket :remote-host host :remote-port port)) (:implementation abcl (let ((socket (qlqs-abcl:make-socket host port))) (qlqs-abcl:get-socket-stream socket :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (:implementation ccl (qlqs-ccl:make-socket :remote-host host :remote-port port)) (:implementation clasp (let* ((endpoint (qlqs-clasp:host-ent-address (qlqs-clasp:get-host-by-name host))) (socket (make-instance 'qlqs-clasp:inet-socket :protocol :tcp :type :stream))) (qlqs-clasp:socket-connect socket endpoint port) (qlqs-clasp:socket-make-stream socket :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :input t :output t :buffering :full))) (:implementation clisp (qlqs-clisp:socket-connect port host :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (:implementation cmucl (let ((fd (qlqs-cmucl:connect-to-inet-socket host port))) (qlqs-cmucl:make-fd-stream fd :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :binary-stream-p t :input t :output t))) (:implementation scl (let ((fd (qlqs-scl:connect-to-inet-socket host port))) (qlqs-scl:make-fd-stream fd :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :input t :output t))) (:implementation ecl (let* ((endpoint (qlqs-ecl:host-ent-address (qlqs-ecl:get-host-by-name host))) (socket (make-instance 'qlqs-ecl:inet-socket :protocol :tcp :type :stream))) (qlqs-ecl:socket-connect socket endpoint port) (qlqs-ecl:socket-make-stream socket :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :input t :output t :buffering :full))) (:implementation lispworks (qlqs-lispworks:open-tcp-stream host port :direction :io :errorp t :read-timeout nil :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :timeout 5)) (:implementation mkcl (let* ((endpoint (qlqs-mkcl:host-ent-address (qlqs-mkcl:get-host-by-name host))) (socket (make-instance 'qlqs-mkcl:inet-socket :protocol :tcp :type :stream))) (qlqs-mkcl:socket-connect socket endpoint port) (qlqs-mkcl:socket-make-stream socket :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :input t :output t :buffering :full))) (:implementation sbcl (let* ((endpoint (qlqs-sbcl:host-ent-address (qlqs-sbcl:get-host-by-name host))) (socket (make-instance 'qlqs-sbcl:inet-socket :protocol :tcp :type :stream))) (qlqs-sbcl:socket-connect socket endpoint port) (qlqs-sbcl:socket-make-stream socket :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :input t :output t :buffering :full)))) (definterface read-octets (buffer connection) (:implementation t (read-sequence buffer connection)) (:implementation allegro (qlqs-allegro:read-vector buffer connection)) (:implementation clisp (qlqs-clisp:read-byte-sequence buffer connection :no-hang nil :interactive t))) (definterface write-octets (buffer connection) (:implementation t (write-sequence buffer connection) (finish-output connection))) (definterface close-connection (connection) (:implementation t (ignore-errors (close connection)))) (definterface call-with-connection (host port fun) (:implementation t (let (connection) (unwind-protect (progn (setf connection (open-connection host port)) (funcall fun connection)) (when connection (close connection)))))) (defmacro with-connection ((connection host port) &body body) `(call-with-connection ,host ,port (lambda (,connection) ,@body))) ;;; ;;; A text progress bar ;;; (in-package #:qlqs-progress) (defclass progress-bar () ((start-time :initarg :start-time :accessor start-time) (end-time :initarg :end-time :accessor end-time) (progress-character :initarg :progress-character :accessor progress-character) (character-count :initarg :character-count :accessor character-count :documentation "How many characters wide is the progress bar?") (characters-so-far :initarg :characters-so-far :accessor characters-so-far) (update-interval :initarg :update-interval :accessor update-interval :documentation "Update the progress bar display after this many internal-time units.") (last-update-time :initarg :last-update-time :accessor last-update-time :documentation "The display was last updated at this time.") (total :initarg :total :accessor total :documentation "The total number of units tracked by this progress bar.") (progress :initarg :progress :accessor progress :documentation "How far in the progress are we?") (pending :initarg :pending :accessor pending :documentation "How many raw units should be tracked in the next display update?")) (:default-initargs :progress-character #\= :character-count 50 :characters-so-far 0 :update-interval (floor internal-time-units-per-second 4) :last-update-time 0 :total 0 :progress 0 :pending 0)) (defgeneric start-display (progress-bar)) (defgeneric update-progress (progress-bar unit-count)) (defgeneric update-display (progress-bar)) (defgeneric finish-display (progress-bar)) (defgeneric elapsed-time (progress-bar)) (defgeneric units-per-second (progress-bar)) (defmethod start-display (progress-bar) (setf (last-update-time progress-bar) (get-internal-real-time)) (setf (start-time progress-bar) (get-internal-real-time)) (fresh-line) (finish-output)) (defmethod update-display (progress-bar) (incf (progress progress-bar) (pending progress-bar)) (setf (pending progress-bar) 0) (setf (last-update-time progress-bar) (get-internal-real-time)) (let* ((showable (floor (character-count progress-bar) (/ (total progress-bar) (progress progress-bar)))) (needed (- showable (characters-so-far progress-bar)))) (setf (characters-so-far progress-bar) showable) (dotimes (i needed) (write-char (progress-character progress-bar))) (finish-output))) (defmethod update-progress (progress-bar unit-count) (incf (pending progress-bar) unit-count) (let ((now (get-internal-real-time))) (when (< (update-interval progress-bar) (- now (last-update-time progress-bar))) (update-display progress-bar)))) (defmethod finish-display (progress-bar) (update-display progress-bar) (setf (end-time progress-bar) (get-internal-real-time)) (terpri) (format t "~:D bytes in ~$ seconds (~$KB/sec)" (total progress-bar) (elapsed-time progress-bar) (/ (units-per-second progress-bar) 1024)) (finish-output)) (defmethod elapsed-time (progress-bar) (/ (- (end-time progress-bar) (start-time progress-bar)) internal-time-units-per-second)) (defmethod units-per-second (progress-bar) (if (plusp (elapsed-time progress-bar)) (/ (total progress-bar) (elapsed-time progress-bar)) 0)) (defun kb/sec (progress-bar) (/ (units-per-second progress-bar) 1024)) (defparameter *uncertain-progress-chars* "?") (defclass uncertain-size-progress-bar (progress-bar) ((progress-char-index :initarg :progress-char-index :accessor progress-char-index) (units-per-char :initarg :units-per-char :accessor units-per-char)) (:default-initargs :total 0 :progress-char-index 0 :units-per-char (floor (expt 1024 2) 50))) (defmethod update-progress :after ((progress-bar uncertain-size-progress-bar) unit-count) (incf (total progress-bar) unit-count)) (defmethod progress-character ((progress-bar uncertain-size-progress-bar)) (let ((index (progress-char-index progress-bar))) (prog1 (char *uncertain-progress-chars* index) (setf (progress-char-index progress-bar) (mod (1+ index) (length *uncertain-progress-chars*)))))) (defmethod update-display ((progress-bar uncertain-size-progress-bar)) (setf (last-update-time progress-bar) (get-internal-real-time)) (multiple-value-bind (chars pend) (floor (pending progress-bar) (units-per-char progress-bar)) (setf (pending progress-bar) pend) (dotimes (i chars) (write-char (progress-character progress-bar)) (incf (characters-so-far progress-bar)) (when (<= (character-count progress-bar) (characters-so-far progress-bar)) (terpri) (setf (characters-so-far progress-bar) 0) (finish-output))) (finish-output))) (defun make-progress-bar (total) (if (or (not total) (zerop total)) (make-instance 'uncertain-size-progress-bar) (make-instance 'progress-bar :total total))) ;;; ;;; A simple HTTP client ;;; (in-package #:qlqs-http) ;;; Octet data (deftype octet () '(unsigned-byte 8)) (defun make-octet-vector (size) (make-array size :element-type 'octet :initial-element 0)) (defun octet-vector (&rest octets) (make-array (length octets) :element-type 'octet :initial-contents octets)) ;;; ASCII characters as integers (defun acode (char) (cond ((eql char :cr) 13) ((eql char :lf) 10) (t (let ((code (char-code char))) (if (<= 0 code 127) code (error "Character ~S is not in the ASCII character set" char)))))) (defvar *whitespace* (list (acode #\Space) (acode #\Tab) (acode :cr) (acode :lf))) (defun whitep (code) (member code *whitespace*)) (defun ascii-vector (string) (let ((vector (make-octet-vector (length string)))) (loop for char across string for code = (char-code char) for i from 0 if (< 127 code) do (error "Invalid character for ASCII -- ~A" char) else do (setf (aref vector i) code)) vector)) (defun ascii-subseq (vector start end) "Return a subseq of octet-specialized VECTOR as a string." (let ((string (make-string (- end start)))) (loop for i from 0 for j from start below end do (setf (char string i) (code-char (aref vector j)))) string)) (defun ascii-downcase (code) (if (<= 65 code 90) (+ code 32) code)) (defun ascii-equal (a b) (eql (ascii-downcase a) (ascii-downcase b))) (defmacro acase (value &body cases) (flet ((convert-case-keys (keys) (mapcar (lambda (key) (etypecase key (integer key) (character (char-code key)) (symbol (ecase key (:cr 13) (:lf 10) ((t) t))))) (if (consp keys) keys (list keys))))) `(case ,value ,@(mapcar (lambda (case) (destructuring-bind (keys &rest body) case `(,(if (eql keys t) t (convert-case-keys keys)) ,@body))) cases)))) ;;; Pattern matching (for finding headers) (defclass matcher () ((pattern :initarg :pattern :reader pattern) (pos :initform 0 :accessor match-pos) (matchedp :initform nil :accessor matchedp))) (defun reset-match (matcher) (setf (match-pos matcher) 0 (matchedp matcher) nil)) (define-condition match-failure (error) ()) (defun match (matcher input &key (start 0) end error) (let ((i start) (end (or end (length input))) (match-end (length (pattern matcher)))) (with-slots (pattern pos) matcher (loop (cond ((= pos match-end) (let ((match-start (- i pos))) (setf pos 0) (setf (matchedp matcher) t) (return (values match-start (+ match-start match-end))))) ((= i end) (return nil)) ((= (aref pattern pos) (aref input i)) (incf i) (incf pos)) (t (if error (error 'match-failure) (if (zerop pos) (incf i) (setf pos 0))))))))) (defun ascii-matcher (string) (make-instance 'matcher :pattern (ascii-vector string))) (defun octet-matcher (&rest octets) (make-instance 'matcher :pattern (apply 'octet-vector octets))) (defun acode-matcher (&rest codes) (make-instance 'matcher :pattern (make-array (length codes) :element-type 'octet :initial-contents (mapcar 'acode codes)))) ;;; "Connection Buffers" are a kind of callback-driven, ;;; pattern-matching chunky stream. Callbacks can be called for a ;;; certain number of octets or until one or more patterns are seen in ;;; the input. cbufs automatically refill themselves from a ;;; connection as needed. (defvar *cbuf-buffer-size* 8192) (define-condition end-of-data (error) ()) (defclass cbuf () ((data :initarg :data :accessor data) (connection :initarg :connection :accessor connection) (start :initarg :start :accessor start) (end :initarg :end :accessor end) (eofp :initarg :eofp :accessor eofp)) (:default-initargs :data (make-octet-vector *cbuf-buffer-size*) :connection nil :start 0 :end 0 :eofp nil) (:documentation "A CBUF is a connection buffer that keeps track of incoming data from a connection. Several functions make it easy to treat a CBUF as a kind of chunky, callback-driven stream.")) (define-condition cbuf-progress () ((size :initarg :size :accessor cbuf-progress-size :initform 0))) (defun call-processor (fun cbuf start end) (signal 'cbuf-progress :size (- end start)) (funcall fun (data cbuf) start end)) (defun make-cbuf (connection) (make-instance 'cbuf :connection connection)) (defun make-stream-writer (stream) "Create a callback for writing data to STREAM." (lambda (data start end) (write-sequence data stream :start start :end end))) (defgeneric size (cbuf) (:method ((cbuf cbuf)) (- (end cbuf) (start cbuf)))) (defgeneric emptyp (cbuf) (:method ((cbuf cbuf)) (zerop (size cbuf)))) (defgeneric refill (cbuf) (:method ((cbuf cbuf)) (when (eofp cbuf) (error 'end-of-data)) (setf (start cbuf) 0) (setf (end cbuf) (read-octets (data cbuf) (connection cbuf))) (cond ((emptyp cbuf) (setf (eofp cbuf) t) (error 'end-of-data)) (t (size cbuf))))) (defun process-all (fun cbuf) (unless (emptyp cbuf) (call-processor fun cbuf (start cbuf) (end cbuf)))) (defun multi-cmatch (matchers cbuf) (let (start end) (dolist (matcher matchers (values start end)) (multiple-value-bind (s e) (match matcher (data cbuf) :start (start cbuf) :end (end cbuf)) (when (and s (or (null start) (< s start))) (setf start s end e)))))) (defun cmatch (matcher cbuf) (if (consp matcher) (multi-cmatch matcher cbuf) (match matcher (data cbuf) :start (start cbuf) :end (end cbuf)))) (defun call-until-end (fun cbuf) (handler-case (loop (process-all fun cbuf) (refill cbuf)) (end-of-data () (return-from call-until-end)))) (defun show-cbuf (context cbuf) (format t "cbuf: ~A ~D - ~D~%" context (start cbuf) (end cbuf))) (defun call-for-n-octets (n fun cbuf) (let ((remaining n)) (loop (when (<= remaining (size cbuf)) (let ((end (+ (start cbuf) remaining))) (call-processor fun cbuf (start cbuf) end) (setf (start cbuf) end) (return))) (process-all fun cbuf) (decf remaining (size cbuf)) (refill cbuf)))) (defun call-until-matching (matcher fun cbuf) (loop (multiple-value-bind (start end) (cmatch matcher cbuf) (when start (call-processor fun cbuf (start cbuf) end) (setf (start cbuf) end) (return))) (process-all fun cbuf) (refill cbuf))) (defun ignore-data (data start end) (declare (ignore data start end))) (defun skip-until-matching (matcher cbuf) (call-until-matching matcher 'ignore-data cbuf)) ;;; Creating HTTP requests as octet buffers (defclass octet-sink () ((storage :initarg :storage :accessor storage)) (:default-initargs :storage (make-array 1024 :element-type 'octet :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) (:documentation "A simple stream-like target for collecting octets.")) (defun add-octet (octet sink) (vector-push-extend octet (storage sink))) (defun add-octets (octets sink &key (start 0) end) (setf end (or end (length octets))) (loop for i from start below end do (add-octet (aref octets i) sink))) (defun add-string (string sink) (loop for char across string for code = (char-code char) do (add-octet code sink))) (defun add-strings (sink &rest strings) (mapc (lambda (string) (add-string string sink)) strings)) (defun add-newline (sink) (add-octet 13 sink) (add-octet 10 sink)) (defun sink-buffer (sink) (subseq (storage sink) 0)) (defvar *proxy-url* nil) (defun full-proxy-path (host port path) (format nil "~:[http~;https~]://~A~:[:~D~;~*~]~A" (= port 443) host (or (= port 80) (= port 443)) port path)) (defun make-request-buffer (host port path &key (method "GET")) (setf method (string method)) (when *proxy-url* (setf path (full-proxy-path host port path))) (let ((sink (make-instance 'octet-sink))) (flet ((add-line (&rest strings) (apply #'add-strings sink strings) (add-newline sink))) (add-line method " " path " HTTP/1.1") (add-line "Host: " host (if (= port 80) "" (format nil ":~D" port))) (add-line "Connection: close") ;; FIXME: get this version string from somewhere else. (add-line "User-Agent: quicklisp-bootstrap/" qlqs-info:*version*) (add-newline sink) (sink-buffer sink)))) (defun sink-until-matching (matcher cbuf) (let ((sink (make-instance 'octet-sink))) (call-until-matching matcher (lambda (buffer start end) (add-octets buffer sink :start start :end end)) cbuf) (sink-buffer sink))) ;;; HTTP headers (defclass header () ((data :initarg :data :accessor data) (status :initarg :status :accessor status) (name-starts :initarg :name-starts :accessor name-starts) (name-ends :initarg :name-ends :accessor name-ends) (value-starts :initarg :value-starts :accessor value-starts) (value-ends :initarg :value-ends :accessor value-ends))) (defmethod print-object ((header header) stream) (print-unreadable-object (header stream :type t) (prin1 (status header) stream))) (defun matches-at (pattern target pos) (= (mismatch pattern target :start2 pos) (length pattern))) (defun header-value-indexes (field-name header) (loop with data = (data header) with pattern = (ascii-vector (string-downcase field-name)) for start across (name-starts header) for i from 0 when (matches-at pattern data start) return (values (aref (value-starts header) i) (aref (value-ends header) i)))) (defun ascii-header-value (field-name header) (multiple-value-bind (start end) (header-value-indexes field-name header) (when start (ascii-subseq (data header) start end)))) (defun all-field-names (header) (map 'list (lambda (start end) (ascii-subseq (data header) start end)) (name-starts header) (name-ends header))) (defun headers-alist (header) (mapcar (lambda (name) (cons name (ascii-header-value name header))) (all-field-names header))) (defmethod describe-object :after ((header header) stream) (format stream "~&Decoded headers:~% ~S~%" (headers-alist header))) (defun content-length (header) (let ((field-value (ascii-header-value "content-length" header))) (when field-value (let ((value (ignore-errors (parse-integer field-value)))) (or value (error "Content-Length header field value is not a number -- ~A" field-value)))))) (defun chunkedp (header) (string= (ascii-header-value "transfer-encoding" header) "chunked")) (defun location (header) (ascii-header-value "location" header)) (defun status-code (vector) (let* ((space (position (acode #\Space) vector)) (c1 (- (aref vector (incf space)) 48)) (c2 (- (aref vector (incf space)) 48)) (c3 (- (aref vector (incf space)) 48))) (+ (* c1 100) (* c2 10) (* c3 1)))) (defun force-downcase-field-names (header) (loop with data = (data header) for start across (name-starts header) for end across (name-ends header) do (loop for i from start below end for code = (aref data i) do (setf (aref data i) (ascii-downcase code))))) (defun skip-white-forward (pos vector) (position-if-not 'whitep vector :start pos)) (defun skip-white-backward (pos vector) (let ((nonwhite (position-if-not 'whitep vector :end pos :from-end t))) (if nonwhite (1+ nonwhite) pos))) (defun contract-field-value-indexes (header) "Header field values exclude leading and trailing whitespace; adjust the indexes in the header accordingly." (loop with starts = (value-starts header) with ends = (value-ends header) with data = (data header) for i from 0 for start across starts for end across ends do (setf (aref starts i) (skip-white-forward start data)) (setf (aref ends i) (skip-white-backward end data)))) (defun next-line-pos (vector) (let ((pos 0)) (labels ((finish (&optional (i pos)) (return-from next-line-pos i)) (after-cr (code) (acase code (:lf (finish pos)) (t (finish (1- pos))))) (pending (code) (acase code (:cr #'after-cr) (:lf (finish pos)) (t #'pending)))) (let ((state #'pending)) (loop (setf state (funcall state (aref vector pos))) (incf pos)))))) (defun make-hvector () (make-array 16 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) (defun process-header (vector) "Create a HEADER instance from the octet data in VECTOR." (let* ((name-starts (make-hvector)) (name-ends (make-hvector)) (value-starts (make-hvector)) (value-ends (make-hvector)) (header (make-instance 'header :data vector :status 999 :name-starts name-starts :name-ends name-ends :value-starts value-starts :value-ends value-ends)) (mark nil) (pos (next-line-pos vector))) (unless pos (error "Unable to process HTTP header")) (setf (status header) (status-code vector)) (labels ((save (value vector) (vector-push-extend value vector)) (mark () (setf mark pos)) (clear-mark () (setf mark nil)) (finish () (if mark (save mark value-ends) (save pos value-ends)) (force-downcase-field-names header) (contract-field-value-indexes header) (return-from process-header header)) (in-new-line (code) (acase code ((#\Tab #\Space) (setf mark nil) #'in-value) (t (when mark (save mark value-ends)) (clear-mark) (save pos name-starts) (in-name code)))) (after-cr (code) (acase code (:lf #'in-new-line) (t (in-new-line code)))) (pending-value (code) (acase code ((#\Tab #\Space) #'pending-value) (:cr #'after-cr) (:lf #'in-new-line) (t (save pos value-starts) #'in-value))) (in-name (code) (acase code (#\: (save pos name-ends) (save (1+ pos) value-starts) #'in-value) ((:cr :lf) (finish)) ((#\Tab #\Space) (error "Unexpected whitespace in header field name")) (t (unless (<= 0 code 127) (error "Unexpected non-ASCII header field name")) #'in-name))) (in-value (code) (acase code (:lf (mark) #'in-new-line) (:cr (mark) #'after-cr) (t #'in-value)))) (let ((state #'in-new-line)) (loop (incf pos) (when (<= (length vector) pos) (error "No header found in response")) (setf state (funcall state (aref vector pos)))))))) ;;; HTTP URL parsing (defclass url () ((hostname :initarg :hostname :accessor hostname :initform nil) (port :initarg :port :accessor port :initform 80) (path :initarg :path :accessor path :initform "/"))) (defun parse-urlstring (urlstring) (setf urlstring (string-trim " " urlstring)) (let* ((pos (mismatch urlstring "http://" :test 'char-equal)) (mark pos) (url (make-instance 'url))) (labels ((save () (subseq urlstring mark pos)) (mark () (setf mark pos)) (finish () (return-from parse-urlstring url)) (hostname-char-p (char) (position char "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_." :test 'char-equal)) (at-start (char) (case char (#\/ (setf (port url) nil) (mark) #'in-path) (t #'in-host))) (in-host (char) (case char ((#\/ :end) (setf (hostname url) (save)) (mark) #'in-path) (#\: (setf (hostname url) (save)) (mark) #'in-port) (t (unless (hostname-char-p char) (error "~S is not a valid URL" urlstring)) #'in-host))) (in-port (char) (case char ((#\/ :end) (setf (port url) (parse-integer urlstring :start (1+ mark) :end pos)) (mark) #'in-path) (t (unless (digit-char-p char) (error "Bad port in URL ~S" urlstring)) #'in-port))) (in-path (char) (case char ((#\# :end) (setf (path url) (save)) (finish))) #'in-path)) (let ((state #'at-start)) (loop (when (<= (length urlstring) pos) (funcall state :end) (finish)) (setf state (funcall state (aref urlstring pos))) (incf pos)))))) (defun url (thing) (if (stringp thing) (parse-urlstring thing) thing)) (defgeneric request-buffer (method url) (:method (method url) (setf url (url url)) (make-request-buffer (hostname url) (port url) (path url) :method method))) (defun urlstring (url) (format nil "~@[http://~A~]~@[:~D~]~A" (hostname url) (and (/= 80 (port url)) (port url)) (path url))) (defmethod print-object ((url url) stream) (print-unreadable-object (url stream :type t) (prin1 (urlstring url) stream))) (defun merge-urls (url1 url2) (setf url1 (url url1)) (setf url2 (url url2)) (make-instance 'url :hostname (or (hostname url1) (hostname url2)) :port (or (port url1) (port url2)) :path (or (path url1) (path url2)))) ;;; Requesting an URL and saving it to a file (defparameter *maximum-redirects* 10) (defvar *default-url-defaults* (url "http://src.quicklisp.org/")) (defun read-http-header (cbuf) (let ((header-data (sink-until-matching (list (acode-matcher :lf :lf) (acode-matcher :cr :cr) (acode-matcher :cr :lf :cr :lf)) cbuf))) (process-header header-data))) (defun read-chunk-header (cbuf) (let* ((header-data (sink-until-matching (acode-matcher :cr :lf) cbuf)) (end (or (position (acode :cr) header-data) (position (acode #\;) header-data)))) (values (parse-integer (ascii-subseq header-data 0 end) :radix 16)))) (defun save-chunk-response (stream cbuf) "For a chunked response, read all chunks and write them to STREAM." (let ((fun (make-stream-writer stream)) (matcher (acode-matcher :cr :lf))) (loop (let ((chunk-size (read-chunk-header cbuf))) (when (zerop chunk-size) (return)) (call-for-n-octets chunk-size fun cbuf) (skip-until-matching matcher cbuf))))) (defun save-response (file header cbuf) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :element-type 'octet) (let ((content-length (content-length header))) (cond ((chunkedp header) (save-chunk-response stream cbuf)) (content-length (call-for-n-octets content-length (make-stream-writer stream) cbuf)) (t (call-until-end (make-stream-writer stream) cbuf)))))) (defun call-with-progress-bar (size fun) (let ((progress-bar (make-progress-bar size))) (start-display progress-bar) (flet ((update (condition) (update-progress progress-bar (cbuf-progress-size condition)))) (handler-bind ((cbuf-progress #'update)) (funcall fun))) (finish-display progress-bar))) (defun fetch (url file &key (follow-redirects t) quietly (maximum-redirects *maximum-redirects*)) "Request URL and write the body of the response to FILE." (setf url (merge-urls url *default-url-defaults*)) (setf file (merge-pathnames file)) (let ((redirect-count 0) (original-url url) (connect-url (or (url *proxy-url*) url)) (stream (if quietly (make-broadcast-stream) *trace-output*))) (loop (when (<= maximum-redirects redirect-count) (error "Too many redirects for ~A" original-url)) (with-connection (connection (hostname connect-url) (port connect-url)) (let ((cbuf (make-instance 'cbuf :connection connection)) (request (request-buffer "GET" url))) (write-octets request connection) (let ((header (read-http-header cbuf))) (loop while (= (status header) 100) do (setf header (read-http-header cbuf))) (cond ((= (status header) 200) (let ((size (content-length header))) (format stream "~&; Fetching ~A~%" url) (if (and (numberp size) (plusp size)) (format stream "; ~$KB~%" (/ size 1024)) (format stream "; Unknown size~%")) (if quietly (save-response file header cbuf) (call-with-progress-bar (content-length header) (lambda () (save-response file header cbuf)))))) ((not (<= 300 (status header) 399)) (error "Unexpected status for ~A: ~A" url (status header)))) (if (and follow-redirects (<= 300 (status header) 399)) (let ((new-urlstring (ascii-header-value "location" header))) (when (not new-urlstring) (error "Redirect code ~D received, but no Location: header" (status header))) (incf redirect-count) (setf url (merge-urls new-urlstring url)) (format stream "~&; Redirecting to ~A~%" url)) (return (values header (and file (probe-file file))))))))))) ;;; A primitive tar unpacker (in-package #:qlqs-minitar) (defun make-block-buffer () (make-array 512 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0)) (defun skip-n-blocks (n stream) (let ((block (make-block-buffer))) (dotimes (i n) (read-sequence block stream)))) (defun ascii-subseq (vector start end) (let ((string (make-string (- end start)))) (loop for i from 0 for j from start below end do (setf (char string i) (code-char (aref vector j)))) string)) (defun block-asciiz-string (block start length) (let* ((end (+ start length)) (eos (or (position 0 block :start start :end end) end))) (ascii-subseq block start eos))) (defun prefix (header) (when (plusp (aref header 345)) (block-asciiz-string header 345 155))) (defun name (header) (block-asciiz-string header 0 100)) (defun payload-size (header) (values (parse-integer (block-asciiz-string header 124 12) :radix 8))) (defun nth-block (n file) (with-open-file (stream file :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (let ((block (make-block-buffer))) (skip-n-blocks (1- n) stream) (read-sequence block stream) block))) (defun payload-type (code) (case code (0 :file) (48 :file) (53 :directory) (t :unsupported))) (defun full-path (header) (let ((prefix (prefix header)) (name (name header))) (if prefix (format nil "~A/~A" prefix name) name))) (defun save-file (file size stream) (multiple-value-bind (full-blocks partial) (truncate size 512) (ensure-directories-exist file) (with-open-file (outstream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (let ((block (make-block-buffer))) (dotimes (i full-blocks) (read-sequence block stream) (write-sequence block outstream)) (when (plusp partial) (read-sequence block stream) (write-sequence block outstream :end partial)))))) (defun unpack-tarball (tarfile &key (directory *default-pathname-defaults*)) (let ((block (make-block-buffer))) (with-open-file (stream tarfile :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (loop (let ((size (read-sequence block stream))) (when (zerop size) (return)) (unless (= size 512) (error "Bad size on tarfile")) (when (every #'zerop block) (return)) (let* ((payload-code (aref block 156)) (payload-type (payload-type payload-code)) (tar-path (full-path block)) (full-path (merge-pathnames tar-path directory)) (payload-size (payload-size block))) (case payload-type (:file (save-file full-path payload-size stream)) (:directory (ensure-directories-exist full-path)) (t (warn "Unknown tar block payload code -- ~D" payload-code) (skip-n-blocks (ceiling (payload-size block) 512) stream))))))))) (defun contents (tarfile) (let ((block (make-block-buffer)) (result '())) (with-open-file (stream tarfile :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (loop (let ((size (read-sequence block stream))) (when (zerop size) (return (nreverse result))) (unless (= size 512) (error "Bad size on tarfile")) (when (every #'zerop block) (return (nreverse result))) (let* ((payload-type (payload-type (aref block 156))) (tar-path (full-path block)) (payload-size (payload-size block))) (skip-n-blocks (ceiling payload-size 512) stream) (case payload-type (:file (push tar-path result)) (:directory (push tar-path result))))))))) (in-package #:qlqs-openpgp) ;;;; utils.lisp (deftype octet () `(unsigned-byte 8)) (deftype ub32 () `(unsigned-byte 32)) (deftype ub64 () `(unsigned-byte 64)) (deftype octet-vector (&optional size) `(simple-array octet (,size))) (defun octet-vector (&rest initial-contents) (make-array (length initial-contents) :element-type 'octet :initial-contents initial-contents)) (defun make-octet-vector (size) (make-array size :element-type 'octet)) (defun make-ub32-vector (size) (make-array size :element-type 'ub32)) (defun make-ub64-vector (size) (make-array size :element-type 'ub64)) (defun first-n-octets (n vector) (let ((length (length vector))) (unless (<= n length) (error "Vector too short to take ~A elements" n)) (subseq vector 0 n))) (defun octet-vector-hex (octet-vector) (nstring-downcase (with-output-to-string (s) (map nil (lambda (o) (format s "~2,'0X" o)) octet-vector)))) ;;;; r64.lisp (defvar *radix64-alphabet* (concatenate 'string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789" "+/")) (defvar *whitespace-characters* '(#\Tab #\Newline #\Linefeed #\Page #\Return #\Space) "Whitespace standard characters as defined by http://l1sp.org/cl/2.1.4") (defvar *whitespace-index* 255) (defparameter *radix64-indexes* (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash #\= table) 0) (dolist (char *whitespace-characters*) (setf (gethash char table) *whitespace-index*)) (loop for index from 0 for char across *radix64-alphabet* do (setf (gethash char table) index)) table)) (defstruct r64-decoder (state 0 :type (mod 4)) (accumulator 0 :type (mod 256)) (result (make-array 10 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (defun update-decoder (decoder string) (declare (type r64-decoder decoder) (type string string) (optimize speed)) (let ((state (r64-decoder-state decoder)) (accumulator (r64-decoder-accumulator decoder)) (result (r64-decoder-result decoder))) (dotimes (i (length string)) (let* ((char (char string i)) (index (gethash char *radix64-indexes* 100))) (declare (type (mod 256) index)) (when (= index 100) (error "Invalid radix64 character ~S at ~A of ~S" char i string)) (when (eql index *whitespace-index*) (go skip)) (ecase state (0 (setf state 1) (setf accumulator (ash index 2))) (1 (setf state 2) (unless (eql char #\=) (vector-push-extend (logior accumulator (ldb (byte 2 4) index)) result)) (setf accumulator (ash (ldb (byte 4 0) index) 4))) (2 (setf state 3) (unless (eql char #\=) (vector-push-extend (logior accumulator (ldb (byte 4 2) index)) result)) (setf accumulator (ash (ldb (byte 2 0) index) 6))) (3 (setf state 0) (unless (eql char #\=) (vector-push-extend (logior accumulator index) result)) (setf accumulator 0) ))) skip) (setf (r64-decoder-accumulator decoder) accumulator) (setf (r64-decoder-state decoder) state) decoder)) (defun r64-decode (string) "Decode a complete radix-64 message from STRING." (let ((decoder (make-r64-decoder))) (update-decoder decoder string) (r64-decoder-result decoder))) ;;;; sha.lisp ;;; SHA-oriented arithmetic. ;;; For every op, define 32 and 64 bit versions, binary versions, and ;;; n-ary versions that reduce by compiler macro to the binary ;;; version. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun make-mask (bits) (1- (ash 1 bits))) (defun expand-rest-to-binary (op args) (if (rest args) `(,op ,(first args) ,(expand-rest-to-binary op (rest args))) (first args))) (defun operation-expansion (lisp-fun type mask a b) `(logand ,mask (,lisp-fun (the ,type ,a) (the ,type ,b)))) (defun symconcat (symbol suffix) (intern (format nil "~A~A" (symbol-name symbol) suffix) *package*))) (defmacro define-binary-op (name lisp-fun) (flet ((expand (name name/2 mask type) `((defun ,name/2 (a b) (declare (type ,type a b)) (logand ,mask (,lisp-fun a b))) (define-compiler-macro ,name/2 (a b) (operation-expansion ',lisp-fun ',type ,mask a b)) (defun ,name (&rest args) (reduce ',name/2 args)) (define-compiler-macro ,name (&rest args) (expand-rest-to-binary ',name/2 args))))) (let* ((fun32 (symconcat name "32")) (fun64 (symconcat name "64")) (fun32/2 (symconcat fun32 "/2")) (fun64/2 (symconcat fun64 "/2")) (mask32 (make-mask 32)) (mask64 (make-mask 64))) `(progn ,@(expand fun32 fun32/2 mask32 'ub32) ,@(expand fun64 fun64/2 mask64 'ub64))))) (defmacro define-unary-op (name lisp-fun) (flet ((expand (name type mask) `((defun ,name (a) (declare (type ,type a)) (logand ,mask (,lisp-fun a))) (define-compiler-macro ,name (a) `(logand ,',mask (,',lisp-fun (the ,',type ,a))))))) `(progn ,@(expand (symconcat name "32") 'ub32 (make-mask 32)) ,@(expand (symconcat name "64") 'ub64 (make-mask 64))))) (define-binary-op xor logxor) (define-binary-op and logand) (define-binary-op or logior) (define-binary-op add +) (define-unary-op not lognot) (macrolet ((define-rotate (direction size) (let* ((type (ecase size (32 'ub32) (64 'ub64))) (prefix (ecase direction (:left 'rol) (:right 'ror))) (name (symconcat prefix (princ-to-string size))) (mask (make-mask size))) (multiple-value-bind (shift1 shift2) (ecase direction (:right (values '(- count) `(- ,size count))) (:left (values 'count `(- count ,size)))) `(progn (defun ,name (a count) (declare (type ,type a) (type (mod ,size) count)) (logand ,mask (logior (ash a ,shift1) (logand ,mask (ash a ,shift2))))) (define-compiler-macro ,name (&whole whole &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) whole)))))) (define-rotate :left 32) (define-rotate :left 64) (define-rotate :right 32) (define-rotate :right 64)) (macrolet ((define-shift (size) (let ((type (ecase size (32 'ub32) (64 'ub64))) (name (symconcat 'shift (princ-to-string size))) (mask (make-mask size))) `(progn (defun ,name (a count) (logand ,mask (ash (the ,type a) (- count)))) (define-compiler-macro ,name (a count) `(logand ,',mask (ash (the ,',type ,a) (- ,count)))))))) (define-shift 32) (define-shift 64)) ;;; SHA (defparameter *sha-buffer-size* 6400) (defgeneric update-sha (sha source &key start end)) (defgeneric update-sha-from-file (sha file)) (defgeneric compress (sha buffer end)) (defgeneric block-octet-count (sha)) (defgeneric total-octet-count (sha)) (defgeneric make-trailer-octets (sha)) (defgeneric sha-word-size (sha)) (defgeneric hash-vector-octets (sha)) (defgeneric sha-trailer (sha)) (defgeneric finish-sha (sha)) (defun make-trailer (octet-count &key block-octet-count size-octets-count) "Returns a trailer suitable for use in SHA-1, SHA-256, or SHA-512 padding, depending on the parameters given in BLOCK-OCTET-COUNT and SIZE-OCTETS-COUNT. OCTET-COUNT is the total number of octets hashed." ;; Need space for #(#x80 ...padding... ) (let* ((room-needed (+ 1 size-octets-count)) (room (- block-octet-count (rem octet-count block-octet-count))) (trailer-size room)) (when (< room room-needed) (incf trailer-size block-octet-count)) (let ((trailer (make-octet-vector trailer-size))) ;; Leading 1 bit (setf (aref trailer 0) #x80) (let ((bit-count (* octet-count 8))) (loop for i downfrom (1- trailer-size) for bit-offset from 0 by 8 repeat size-octets-count do (setf (aref trailer i) (ldb (byte 8 bit-offset) bit-count)))) trailer))) (defun decode-ub32-vector (octet-vector start count target-vector) "Convert the octets in OCTET-VECTOR as (unsigned-byte 32) values into TARGET-VECTOR." (declare (optimize speed) (type octet-vector octet-vector) (type fixnum start count) (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) target-vector)) (flet ((decode (position) (logior (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 0)) 24) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 1)) 16) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 2)) 8) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 3)) 0)))) (loop for i below count for j from start by 4 do (setf (aref target-vector i) (decode j))) target-vector)) (defun decode-ub64-vector (octet-vector start count target-vector) "Convert the octets in OCTET-VECTOR as (unsigned-byte 64) values into TARGET-VECTOR." (declare (optimize speed) (type octet-vector octet-vector) (type fixnum start count) (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 64) (*)) target-vector)) (flet ((decode (position) (logior (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 0)) 56) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 1)) 48) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 2)) 40) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 3)) 32) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 4)) 24) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 5)) 16) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 6)) 8) (ash (aref octet-vector (+ position 7)) 0)))) (loop for i below count for j from start by 8 do (setf (aref target-vector i) (decode j))) target-vector)) ;;; Generic SHA structure (defclass sha () ((hash-vector :initarg :hash-vector :reader hash-vector) (work-vector :initarg :work-vector :reader work-vector) (buffer :initarg :buffer :reader buffer) (buffer-position :initarg :buffer-position :accessor buffer-position :initform 0) (total-octet-count :initarg :total-octet-count :initform 0 :accessor total-octet-count) (block-octet-count :initarg :block-octet-count :reader block-octet-count) (word-size :initarg :word-size :reader sha-word-size))) (defmethod sha-trailer (sha) (make-trailer (total-octet-count sha) :block-octet-count (block-octet-count sha) :size-octets-count (/ (sha-word-size sha) 4))) (defun sha-result (sha) (hash-vector-octets sha)) (defmethod finish-sha (sha) (let ((trailer (sha-trailer sha))) (update-sha sha trailer) (compress sha (buffer sha) (buffer-position sha)) (sha-result sha))) (defmethod update-sha (sha octets &key start end) "Add OCTETS (delimited by START and END) to SHA." (unless start (setf start 0)) (unless end (setf end (length octets))) ;; Copy as much of OCTETS to the SHA buffer as possible; if it ;; fills, COMPRESS it and copy more. (let* ((buffer (buffer sha)) (pos (buffer-position sha)) (buffer-size (length buffer)) (capacity (- (length buffer) pos)) (needed (- end start))) (incf (total-octet-count sha) needed) (loop (when (zerop capacity) (compress sha buffer buffer-size) (setf capacity buffer-size) (setf pos 0)) (when (<= needed capacity) (replace buffer octets :start1 pos :start2 start :end2 end) (incf (buffer-position sha) needed) (return)) (replace buffer octets :start1 pos :end1 buffer-size :start2 start) (incf start capacity) (decf needed capacity) (setf capacity 0)))) (defmethod update-sha (sha (stream stream) &key start end) (declare (ignore start end)) (let ((buffer (make-octet-vector *sha-buffer-size*))) (loop (let ((end (read-sequence buffer stream))) (when (zerop end) (return sha)) (update-sha sha buffer :end end))))) (defmethod update-sha-from-file (sha file) (with-open-file (stream file :element-type 'octet) (update-sha sha stream))) (defmacro with-hash-vector (vars sha &body body) (let ((hash-vector (gensym "hash-vector"))) `(let ((,hash-vector (hash-vector ,sha))) (let ,(loop for var in vars for i from 0 collect (list var `(aref ,hash-vector ,i))) (progn ,@body) ,@(loop for var in vars for i from 0 collect `(setf (aref ,hash-vector ,i) ,var)))))) (defun word-vector-octets (vector word-size) "Return an octet vector of the words of VECTOR, interpreting each vector element as an unsigned-byte of size WORD-SIZE." (let ((result (make-octet-vector (* (length vector) (floor word-size 8))))) (dotimes (i (length result) result) (multiple-value-bind (word-index octet-index) (truncate (* i 8) word-size) (let ((ldb-position (- word-size octet-index 8))) (setf (aref result i) (ldb (byte 8 ldb-position) (aref vector word-index)))))))) (defmethod hash-vector-octets (sha) (word-vector-octets (hash-vector sha) (sha-word-size sha))) ;;; SHA-1 (defparameter *sha1-hash-vector* (vector #x67452301 #xEFCDAB89 #x98BADCFE #x10325476 #xC3D2E1F0)) (defclass sha1 (sha) () (:default-initargs :buffer (make-octet-vector *sha-buffer-size*) :hash-vector (replace (make-ub32-vector 5) *sha1-hash-vector*) :work-vector (make-ub32-vector 80) :block-octet-count 64 :word-size 32)) (defmethod compress ((sha1 sha1) buffer end) (declare (optimize speed)) (prog1 sha1 (with-hash-vector (h0 h1 h2 h3 h4) sha1 (let* ((f 0) (k 0) (w (work-vector sha1)) (block-octet-count (block-octet-count sha1)) (block-count (floor end block-octet-count))) (declare (type (simple-array ub32 (80)) w)) (dotimes (ii block-count) (let ((a h0) (b h1) (c h2) (d h3) (e h4)) (decode-ub32-vector buffer (* ii 64) 16 w) (loop for i from 16 to 79 do (setf (aref w i) (rol32 (xor32 (aref w (- i 3)) (aref w (- i 8)) (aref w (- i 14)) (aref w (- i 16))) 1))) (dotimes (i 80) (cond ((<= 0 i 19) (setf f (or32 (and32 b c) (and32 (not32 b) d))) (setf k #x5A827999)) ((<= 20 i 39) (setf f (xor32 b c d)) (setf k #x6ED9EBA1)) ((<= 40 i 59) (setf f (or32 (and32 b c) (and32 b d) (and32 c d))) (setf k #x8F1BBCDC)) ((<= 60 i 79) (setf f (xor32 b c d)) (setf k #xCA62C1D6))) (let ((temp (add32 (rol32 a 5) f e k (aref w i)))) (setf e d) (setf d c) (setf c (rol32 b 30)) (setf b a) (setf a temp))) (setf h0 (add32 a h0)) (setf h1 (add32 b h1)) (setf h2 (add32 c h2)) (setf h3 (add32 d h3)) (setf h4 (add32 e h4)))) (setf (buffer-position sha1) 0))))) ;;; SHA256 (defvar *sha256-round-constants* #(#x428a2f98 #x71374491 #xb5c0fbcf #xe9b5dba5 #x3956c25b #x59f111f1 #x923f82a4 #xab1c5ed5 #xd807aa98 #x12835b01 #x243185be #x550c7dc3 #x72be5d74 #x80deb1fe #x9bdc06a7 #xc19bf174 #xe49b69c1 #xefbe4786 #x0fc19dc6 #x240ca1cc #x2de92c6f #x4a7484aa #x5cb0a9dc #x76f988da #x983e5152 #xa831c66d #xb00327c8 #xbf597fc7 #xc6e00bf3 #xd5a79147 #x06ca6351 #x14292967 #x27b70a85 #x2e1b2138 #x4d2c6dfc #x53380d13 #x650a7354 #x766a0abb #x81c2c92e #x92722c85 #xa2bfe8a1 #xa81a664b #xc24b8b70 #xc76c51a3 #xd192e819 #xd6990624 #xf40e3585 #x106aa070 #x19a4c116 #x1e376c08 #x2748774c #x34b0bcb5 #x391c0cb3 #x4ed8aa4a #x5b9cca4f #x682e6ff3 #x748f82ee #x78a5636f #x84c87814 #x8cc70208 #x90befffa #xa4506ceb #xbef9a3f7 #xc67178f2)) (defvar *sha256-hash-vector* #(#x6a09e667 #xbb67ae85 #x3c6ef372 #xa54ff53a #x510e527f #x9b05688c #x1f83d9ab #x5be0cd19)) (defclass sha256 (sha) ((constant-vector :initarg :constant-vector :reader constant-vector)) (:default-initargs :block-octet-count 64 :buffer (make-octet-vector *sha-buffer-size*) :work-vector (make-ub32-vector 64) :hash-vector (replace (make-ub32-vector 8) *sha256-hash-vector*) :constant-vector (replace (make-ub32-vector 64) *sha256-round-constants*) :word-size 32)) (defmethod compress ((sha sha256) buffer end) (declare (optimize speed)) (prog1 sha (with-hash-vector (h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7) sha (let* ((w (work-vector sha)) (k (constant-vector sha)) (block-octet-count (block-octet-count sha)) (block-count (floor end block-octet-count))) (declare (type (simple-array ub32 (*)) w k)) (dotimes (ii block-count) (let ((a h0) (b h1) (c h2) (d h3) (e h4) (f h5) (g h6) (h h7)) (declare (type ub32 a b c d e f g h)) (decode-ub32-vector buffer (* ii 64) 16 w) (loop for i from 16 to 63 do (let* ((w15 (aref w (- i 15))) (w2 (aref w (- i 2))) (s0 (xor32 (ror32 w15 7) (ror32 w15 18) (shift32 w15 3))) (s1 (xor32 (ror32 w2 17) (ror32 w2 19) (shift32 w2 10)))) (setf (aref w i) (add32 (aref w (- i 16)) s0 (aref w (- i 7)) s1)))) (dotimes (i 64) (let* ((S1 (xor32 (ror32 e 6) (ror32 e 11) (ror32 e 25))) (ch (xor32 (and32 e f) (and32 (not32 e) g))) (temp1 (add32 h S1 ch (aref k i) (aref w i))) (S0 (xor32 (ror32 a 2) (ror32 a 13) (ror32 a 22))) (maj (xor32 (and32 a b) (and32 a c) (and32 b c))) (temp2 (add32 S0 maj))) (setf h g g f f e e (add32 d temp1) d c c b b a a (add32 temp1 temp2)))) (setf h0 (add32 a h0) h1 (add32 b h1) h2 (add32 c h2) h3 (add32 d h3) h4 (add32 e h4) h5 (add32 f h5) h6 (add32 g h6) h7 (add32 h h7))))) (setf (buffer-position sha) 0)))) ;;; SHA-512 (defvar *sha512-constant-vector* #(#x428a2f98d728ae22 #x7137449123ef65cd #xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f #xe9b5dba58189dbbc #x3956c25bf348b538 #x59f111f1b605d019 #x923f82a4af194f9b #xab1c5ed5da6d8118 #xd807aa98a3030242 #x12835b0145706fbe #x243185be4ee4b28c #x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2 #x72be5d74f27b896f #x80deb1fe3b1696b1 #x9bdc06a725c71235 #xc19bf174cf692694 #xe49b69c19ef14ad2 #xefbe4786384f25e3 #x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5 #x240ca1cc77ac9c65 #x2de92c6f592b0275 #x4a7484aa6ea6e483 #x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4 #x76f988da831153b5 #x983e5152ee66dfab #xa831c66d2db43210 #xb00327c898fb213f #xbf597fc7beef0ee4 #xc6e00bf33da88fc2 #xd5a79147930aa725 #x06ca6351e003826f #x142929670a0e6e70 #x27b70a8546d22ffc #x2e1b21385c26c926 #x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed #x53380d139d95b3df #x650a73548baf63de #x766a0abb3c77b2a8 #x81c2c92e47edaee6 #x92722c851482353b #xa2bfe8a14cf10364 #xa81a664bbc423001 #xc24b8b70d0f89791 #xc76c51a30654be30 #xd192e819d6ef5218 #xd69906245565a910 #xf40e35855771202a #x106aa07032bbd1b8 #x19a4c116b8d2d0c8 #x1e376c085141ab53 #x2748774cdf8eeb99 #x34b0bcb5e19b48a8 #x391c0cb3c5c95a63 #x4ed8aa4ae3418acb #x5b9cca4f7763e373 #x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3 #x748f82ee5defb2fc #x78a5636f43172f60 #x84c87814a1f0ab72 #x8cc702081a6439ec #x90befffa23631e28 #xa4506cebde82bde9 #xbef9a3f7b2c67915 #xc67178f2e372532b #xca273eceea26619c #xd186b8c721c0c207 #xeada7dd6cde0eb1e #xf57d4f7fee6ed178 #x06f067aa72176fba #x0a637dc5a2c898a6 #x113f9804bef90dae #x1b710b35131c471b #x28db77f523047d84 #x32caab7b40c72493 #x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc #x431d67c49c100d4c #x4cc5d4becb3e42b6 #x597f299cfc657e2a #x5fcb6fab3ad6faec #x6c44198c4a475817)) (defparameter *sha512-hash-vector* #(#x6a09e667f3bcc908 #xbb67ae8584caa73b #x3c6ef372fe94f82b #xa54ff53a5f1d36f1 #x510e527fade682d1 #x9b05688c2b3e6c1f #x1f83d9abfb41bd6b #x5be0cd19137e2179)) (defclass sha512 (sha) ((constant-vector :initarg :constant-vector :reader constant-vector)) (:default-initargs :block-octet-count 128 :buffer (make-octet-vector *sha-buffer-size*) :work-vector (make-ub64-vector 80) :hash-vector (replace (make-ub64-vector 8) *sha512-hash-vector*) :constant-vector (replace (make-ub64-vector 80) *sha512-constant-vector*) :word-size 64)) (defmethod compress ((sha sha512) buffer end) (declare (optimize speed)) (prog1 sha (with-hash-vector (h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7) sha (let* ((w (work-vector sha)) (k (constant-vector sha)) (block-octet-count (block-octet-count sha)) (block-count (floor end block-octet-count))) (declare (type (simple-array ub64 (*)) w k)) (dotimes (ii block-count) (let ((a h0) (b h1) (c h2) (d h3) (e h4) (f h5) (g h6) (h h7)) (declare (type ub64 a b c d e f g h)) (decode-ub64-vector buffer (* ii 128) 16 w) (loop for i from 16 to 79 do (let* ((w15 (aref w (- i 15))) (w2 (aref w (- i 2))) (s0 (xor64 (ror64 w15 1) (ror64 w15 8) (shift64 w15 7))) (s1 (xor64 (ror64 w2 19) (ror64 w2 61) (shift64 w2 6)))) (setf (aref w i) (add64 (aref w (- i 16)) s0 (aref w (- i 7)) s1)))) (dotimes (i 80) (let* ((S1 (xor64 (ror64 e 14) (ror64 e 18) (ror64 e 41))) (ch (xor64 (and64 e f) (and64 (not64 e) g))) (temp1 (add64 h S1 ch (aref k i) (aref w i))) (S0 (xor64 (ror64 a 28) (ror64 a 34) (ror64 a 39))) (maj (xor64 (and64 a b) (and64 a c) (and64 b c))) (temp2 (add64 S0 maj))) (setf h g g f f e e (add64 d temp1) d c c b b a a (add64 temp1 temp2)))) (setf h0 (add64 a h0) h1 (add64 b h1) h2 (add64 c h2) h3 (add64 d h3) h4 (add64 e h4) h5 (add64 f h5) h6 (add64 g h6) h7 (add64 h h7))))) (setf (buffer-position sha) 0)))) ;;; Misc. utility (defun file-sha (sha-class file) (let ((sha (make-instance sha-class))) (with-open-file (stream file :element-type 'octet) (update-sha sha stream)) (finish-sha sha))) (defun file-sha-string (sha-class file) (octet-vector-hex (file-sha sha-class file))) ;;;; packet.lisp (defun key-string (key-id) "Convert the octet vector KEY-ID to a hex string." (octet-vector-hex key-id)) (defclass packet () ((packet-type :initarg :packet-type :accessor packet-type) (hashed-data :initarg :hashed-data :accessor hashed-data) (data :initarg :data :accessor data))) (defgeneric version (packet) (:method (packet) (aref (data packet) 0))) (defmethod print-object ((packet packet) stream) (print-unreadable-object (packet stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~S, size ~D" (packet-type packet) (length (data packet))))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((packet packet) &key data &allow-other-keys) (unless data (error "DATA is required")) (unless (slot-boundp packet 'hashed-data) (setf (hashed-data packet) data))) (defgeneric specialize-packet-by-type (packet-type packet) (:method ((packet-type t) packet) packet)) (defgeneric specialize-packet (packet) (:documentation "Change (via CHANGE-CLASS) a plain packet into a specialized packet by examining its type and data.") (:method (packet) (specialize-packet-by-type (packet-type packet) packet))) (defclass rsa-signature-packet (packet) ((key-id :initarg :key-id :accessor key-id) (signature-type :initarg :signature-type :accessor signature-type) (hashed-data :initarg :hashed-data :accessor hashed-data) (creation-time :initarg :creation-time :accessor creation-time) (public-key-algorithm :initarg :public-key-algorithm :accessor public-key-algorithm) (hash-algorithm :initarg :hash-algorithm :accessor hash-algorithm) (quick-check-value :initarg :quick-check-value :accessor quick-check-value) (signature-value :initarg :signature-value :accessor signature-value))) (defmethod print-object ((packet rsa-signature-packet) stream) (print-unreadable-object (packet stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A key id ~S" (public-key-algorithm packet) (key-string (key-id packet))))) (defclass rsa-public-key-packet (packet) ((fingerprint :initarg :fingerprint :accessor fingerprint) (key-id :initarg :key-id :accessor key-id) (hashed-data :initarg :hashed-data :accessor hashed-data) (creation-time :initarg :creation-time :accessor creation-time) (n :initarg :n :accessor n) (e :initarg :e :accessor e))) (defclass rsa-public-subkey-packet (rsa-public-key-packet) ()) (defmethod print-object ((packet rsa-public-key-packet) stream) (print-unreadable-object (packet stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "key id ~S" (key-string (key-id packet))))) (defvar *initial-fingerprint-vector* (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element #x99 )) (defun compute-fingerprint (data) (let* ((sha1 (make-instance 'sha1)) (length (length data)) (length-vector (make-array 2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (setf (aref length-vector 0) (ldb (byte 8 8) length)) (setf (aref length-vector 1) (ldb (byte 8 0) length)) (update-sha sha1 *initial-fingerprint-vector*) (update-sha sha1 length-vector) (update-sha sha1 data) (finish-sha sha1))) (defun compute-key-id (public-key) (subseq (fingerprint public-key) 12)) (defclass user-id-packet (packet) ((user-id :initarg :user-id :accessor user-id))) (defmethod print-object ((packet user-id-packet) stream) (print-unreadable-object (packet stream :type t) (format stream "~S" (user-id packet)))) (defgeneric key-id-string (object) (:method (object) (key-string (key-id object)))) ;;;; ascii-armor.lisp (defvar *supported-armor-header-lines* '("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")) (defvar *supported-armor-tail-lines* '("-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----") "A list of supported tail lines. Must match up 1-to-1 with header lines.") (defun starts-with (substring string) (and (<= (length substring) (length string)) (string= substring string :end2 (length substring)))) (defun whitespacep (char) (member char '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\Return))) (defun marker-equal (marker string) "Does STRING match MARKER? To match, MARKER must appear at the start, and have only whitespace following." (and (starts-with marker string) (not (position-if-not #'whitespacep string :start (length marker))))) (defun checksum-line-p (line) (and (<= (length line) 5) (char= (char line 0) #\=))) (defun tail-line (header-line) (let ((index (position header-line *supported-armor-header-lines* :test #'marker-equal))) (unless index (error "Unknown header line -- ~S" header-line)) (elt *supported-armor-tail-lines* index))) (defun skip-to-armor-header-line (stream) (loop for line = (read-line stream) when (member line *supported-armor-header-lines* :test #'marker-equal) return line)) (defun ascii-armor-data (stream) "Return the ASCII-armored ASCII data from STREAM." (let* ((checksum-line nil) (header-line (skip-to-armor-header-line stream)) (tail-line (tail-line header-line))) ;; Skip header lines, if present (loop for line = (read-line stream nil) if (null line) do (error "Missing armor header lines") until (marker-equal "" line)) ;; Read data (values (with-output-to-string (s) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil) if (null line) do (error "End of file in stream") if (checksum-line-p line) ;; Skip leading #\= do (setf checksum-line (subseq line 1)) until (marker-equal line tail-line) do (unless checksum-line (write-line line s)))) checksum-line header-line))) (defun ascii-armor-crc24 (octets) (let ((crc #xB704CE) (poly #x1864CFB)) (map nil (lambda (octet) (setf crc (logand #xFFFFFF (logxor crc (ash octet 16)))) (dotimes (i 8) (setf crc (ash crc 1)) (when (logtest #x1000000 crc) (setf crc (logxor crc poly))))) octets) (vector (ldb (byte 8 16) crc) (ldb (byte 8 8) crc) (ldb (byte 8 0) crc)))) (defun file-ascii-armor-data (file) (with-open-file (stream file) (multiple-value-bind (encoded-data encoded-checksum) (ascii-armor-data stream) (let* ((data (r64-decode encoded-data)) (data-checksum (r64-decode encoded-checksum)) (checksum (ascii-armor-crc24 data))) (unless (equalp checksum data-checksum) (error "Checksum mismatch -- ASCII armor data has ~S, locally computed ~S" data-checksum checksum)) data)))) ;;;; packet.lisp (defclass packet-stream () ((data :initarg :data :reader data) (data-length :reader data-length) (pos :initform 0 :accessor pos) (eofp :initform nil :accessor eofp)) (:documentation "A packet stream is a simple stream-like object for sequential access to an octet vector.")) (define-condition packet-stream-eof (error) ()) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((packet-stream packet-stream) &key data &allow-other-keys) (unless data (error "DATA is required")) (setf (slot-value packet-stream 'data-length) (length data))) (defun pstream (data) "Create a packet stream based on DATA." (make-instance 'packet-stream :data data)) (defun at-eof-p (packet-stream) (= (pos packet-stream) (data-length packet-stream))) (defun check-eof (packet-stream) (when (or (eofp packet-stream) (setf (eofp packet-stream) (at-eof-p packet-stream))) (error 'packet-stream-eof))) (defun read-u8 (packet-stream) (check-eof packet-stream) (prog1 (aref (data packet-stream) (pos packet-stream)) (incf (pos packet-stream)))) (defun read-n-octets (n pstream) (let ((vector (make-array n :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (loop for i below n do (setf (aref vector i) (read-u8 pstream))) vector)) (defun read-u16 (packet-stream) (logior (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 8) (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 0))) (defun read-u32 (packet-stream) (logior (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 24) (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 16) (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 8) (ash (read-u8 packet-stream) 0))) (defun read-mpi (packet-stream) (let* ((mpi-bits (read-u16 packet-stream)) (octets (ceiling mpi-bits 8)) (result 0)) (dotimes (i octets result) (setf result (logior (ash result 8) (read-u8 packet-stream)))))) (defun decode-u32 (vector) (logior (ash (aref vector 0) 24) (ash (aref vector 1) 16) (ash (aref vector 2) 8) (ash (aref vector 3) 0))) (defun encode-u32 (u32) (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-contents (list (ldb (byte 8 24) u32) (ldb (byte 8 16) u32) (ldb (byte 8 8) u32) (ldb (byte 8 0) u32)))) (defun %reset (packet-stream) "Reset PACKET-STREAM so it can be read again from the beginning." (setf (pos packet-stream) 0) (setf (eofp packet-stream) nil) packet-stream) (defun packet-type-value (packet-type) "Return a symbolic value for the integer PACKET-TYPE. Only supported values are decoded; others signal an error. See RFC4880 section 4.3." (ecase packet-type (0 (error "0 is a reserved packet type and must not appear per RFC 4880")) (2 :signature) (6 :public-key) (13 :user-id) (14 :public-subkey))) ;;; ;;; Reading and decoding various packet fields from integers to ;;; symbolic constants. ;;; (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun find-type-reader (type) (ecase type (u8 'read-u8) (u16 'read-u16) (u32 'read-u32)))) (defmacro define-field (name (&key type) &body values-alist) `(progn (setf (get ',name 'reader-function) ',(find-type-reader type)) (setf (get ',name 'values-alist) ',values-alist))) (defun missing-reader-function (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (error "No reader function available")) (defun read-field (field pstream) "Read the integer value of FIELD (a symbol previously defined with DEFINE-FIELD) from PSTREAM." (funcall (get field 'reader-function 'missing-reader-function) pstream)) (defun read-field-value (field pstream) "Read and FIELD from PSTREAM and look up and return its symbolic value." (let* ((raw-value (read-field field pstream)) (translation (assoc raw-value (get field 'values-alist)))) (unless translation (error "Unsupported value ~A for field ~A" raw-value field)) (cdr translation))) (define-field signature-type (:type u8) ;; RFC 4880 section 5.2.1 (0 . :binary-document) (16 . :generic-certification) (17 . :persona-certification) (18 . :casual-certification) (19 . :positive-user-id-certification) (24 . :subkey-binding-signature)) (define-field subpacket-type (:type u8) ;; RFC 4880 section (2 . :signature-creation-time) (3 . :signature-expiration-time) (9 . :key-expiration-time) (11 . :preferred-symmetric-algorithms) (16 . :issuer) (21 . :preferred-hash-algorithms) (22 . :preferred-compression-algorithms) (23 . :key-server-preferences) (27 . :key-flags) (30 . :features)) (define-field public-key-algorithm (:type u8) ;; RFC 4880 section 9.1 (1 . :rsa) (3 . :rsa-sign-only) (17 . :dsa)) (define-field hash-algorithm (:type u8) ;; RFC 4880 section 9.4 (1 . :md5) (2 . :sha-1) (8 . :sha-256) (9 . :sha-384) (10 . :sha-512) (11 . :sha-224)) (defun check-supported-value (description supported actual) "Signal an error unless SUPPORTED is EQL to ACTUAL" (unless (eql supported actual) (error "Value ~S for ~A not supported -- only ~A" actual description supported))) (defun read-subpacket-length (pstream) "Read an encoded length value, which may be 1, 2, or 5 octets in size, from PSTREAM. See RFC4880 for details." (let ((b1 (read-u8 pstream))) (cond ((< b1 192) b1) ((<= 192 b1 254) (let ((b2 (read-u8 pstream))) (logior (ash (- b1 192) 8) b2 192))) ((= b1 255) (read-u32 pstream))))) (defun read-signature-subpacket (pstream) "Read a single signature subpacket from PSTREAM. Returns the packet type and data as multiple values." (let* ((length (read-subpacket-length pstream)) (type (read-field-value 'subpacket-type pstream)) (data (read-n-octets (1- length) pstream))) (values type data))) (defun read-signature-subpackets (pstream) "Read a list of subpackets from PSTREAM." (let* ((subpackets-total-length (read-u16 pstream)) (end (+ (pos pstream) subpackets-total-length)) (result '())) (loop (when (<= end (pos pstream)) (return (nreverse result))) (multiple-value-bind (type data) (read-signature-subpacket pstream) (push (cons type data) result))))) ;;; Generic packet reading (defun read-packet (pstream) "Read a packet from PSTREAM. Signals PACKET-STREAM-EOF if there is no more data in PSTREAM. Format of binary packet data header is specified in RFC 4880 section 4.2." (let ((tag (read-u8 pstream))) (unless (logbitp 7 tag) (error "Invalid packet tag -- bit 7 is zero -- ~A" tag)) (when (logbitp 6 tag) (error "New packet format is not supported")) (let* ((packet-tag (ldb (byte 4 2) tag)) (length-type (ldb (byte 2 0) tag)) (length-size (expt 2 length-type))) (when (= length-type 3) (error "Indefinite length types not supported")) (let* ((length (ecase length-size (1 (read-u8 pstream)) (2 (read-u16 pstream)) (4 (read-u16 pstream)))) (data (read-n-octets length pstream))) (specialize-packet (make-instance 'packet :data data :packet-type (packet-type-value packet-tag))))))) (defun read-packets (pstream) "Return a list of packets from PSTREAM." (loop for packet = (handler-case (read-packet pstream) (packet-stream-eof () nil)) while packet collect packet)) ;;; User-id packets (defun utf8-octets-to-string (octets) ;; FIXME: Handle real UTF-8 (when (some (lambda (code) (logbitp 7 code)) octets) (error "Proper UTF-8 decoding is not implemented yet")) (map 'string 'code-char octets)) (defmethod specialize-packet-by-type ((packet-type (eql :user-id)) packet) (change-class packet 'user-id-packet :user-id (utf8-octets-to-string (data packet)))) ;;; Public key and subkey packets (defmethod specialize-packet-by-type ((packet-type (eql :public-key)) packet) (let* ((pstream (pstream (data packet))) (version (read-u8 pstream))) (check-supported-value "version" 4 version) (let ((creation-time (read-u32 pstream)) (public-key-algorithm (read-field-value 'public-key-algorithm pstream))) (check-supported-value "public-key algorithm" :rsa public-key-algorithm) (let* ((n (read-mpi pstream)) (e (read-mpi pstream)) (fingerprint (compute-fingerprint (data packet))) (key-id (subseq fingerprint (- (length fingerprint) 8)))) (change-class packet 'rsa-public-key-packet :fingerprint fingerprint :key-id key-id :creation-time creation-time :n n :e e))))) (defmethod specialize-packet-by-type ((packet-type (eql :public-subkey)) packet) (change-class (specialize-packet-by-type :public-key packet) 'rsa-public-subkey-packet)) ;;; Signature packet (defmethod specialize-packet-by-type ((packet-type (eql :signature)) packet) (let* ((pstream (pstream (data packet))) (VERSION (read-u8 pstream))) (check-supported-value "version" 4 version) (let ((signature-type (read-field-value 'signature-type pstream)) (public-key-algorithm (read-field-value 'public-key-algorithm pstream)) (hash-algorithm (read-field-value 'hash-algorithm pstream))) (check-supported-value "public-key algorithm" :rsa public-key-algorithm) (let* ((hashed-subpackets (read-signature-subpackets pstream)) ;; Important to save the position immediately after ;; reading the hashed subpackets (end-of-hashed-data-pos (pos pstream)) (unhashed-subpackets (read-signature-subpackets pstream)) (subpackets (append hashed-subpackets unhashed-subpackets)) (quick-check-value (read-n-octets 2 pstream)) (rsa-signature-value (read-mpi pstream)) (raw-creation-time (cdr (assoc :signature-creation-time subpackets))) (creation-time (and raw-creation-time (decode-u32 raw-creation-time)))) (change-class packet 'rsa-signature-packet :key-id (cdr (assoc :issuer subpackets)) :creation-time creation-time :signature-type signature-type :hash-algorithm hash-algorithm :public-key-algorithm public-key-algorithm :quick-check-value quick-check-value :hashed-data (subseq (data packet) 0 end-of-hashed-data-pos) :signature-value rsa-signature-value))))) ;;; Misc (defun load-packets-from-file (file) (let* ((data (file-ascii-armor-data file)) (pstream (pstream data))) (read-packets pstream))) (defun load-packet-from-file (file) (let* ((data (file-ascii-armor-data file)) (pstream (pstream data))) (read-packet pstream))) ;;;; signature.lisp (defun expt-mod (n exponent modulus) (loop with result = 1 for i from 0 below (integer-length exponent) for sqr = n then (mod (* sqr sqr) modulus) when (logbitp i exponent) do (setf result (mod (* result sqr) modulus)) finally (return result))) (defun vector-integer (vector) "Convert the octet vector VECTOR to an integer." (let ((result 0)) (dotimes (i (length vector) result) (setf result (logior (ash result 8) (aref vector i)))))) (defun load-signature (file) (let* ((packet (load-packet-from-file file))) (check-type packet rsa-signature-packet) packet)) (defun load-public-key (file) (let* ((packet (load-packet-from-file file))) (check-type packet rsa-public-key-packet) packet)) (defun verify-signature (file signature public-key) (unless (equalp (key-id public-key) (key-id signature)) (error "Signature and public key do not match")) (check-supported-value "hash algorithm" :sha-512 (hash-algorithm signature)) (check-supported-value "public-key algorithm" :rsa (public-key-algorithm signature)) (check-supported-value "signature type" :binary-document (signature-type signature)) (let ((sha512 (make-instance 'sha512)) (trailer (make-array 2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-contents (list (version signature) #xFF))) (size-vector (encode-u32 (length (hashed-data signature)))) (quick-check-expected (quick-check-value signature))) (update-sha-from-file sha512 file) (update-sha sha512 (hashed-data signature)) (update-sha sha512 trailer) (update-sha sha512 size-vector) (let* ((result (finish-sha sha512)) (quick-check-actual (first-n-octets 2 result))) (when (equalp quick-check-actual quick-check-expected) (let* ((n (vector-integer result)) (pk (ldb (byte 512 0) (expt-mod (signature-value signature) (e public-key) (n public-key))))) (when (= n pk) :good-signature)))))) ;;; ;;; The actual bootstrapping work ;;; (in-package #:quicklisp-quickstart) (defvar *home* (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "quicklisp")) (user-homedir-pathname))) (defvar *release-public-key-file* *load-truename*) (defvar *release-public-key* nil) (defun release-public-key () (if *release-public-key* *release-public-key* (setf *release-public-key* (load-public-key *release-public-key-file*)))) (defun qmerge (pathname) (merge-pathnames pathname *home*)) (defun openpgp-checked-fetch (url file) (let ((sig-url (format nil "~A.asc" url)) (sig-file (qmerge "tmp/signature.txt")) (temp-file (qmerge "tmp/signed-data.dat"))) (fetch url temp-file) (format t "~&; Verifying OpenPGP signature...") (force-output) (fetch sig-url sig-file) (let ((signature (load-signature sig-file))) (unless (verify-signature temp-file signature (release-public-key)) (error "OpenPGP signature validation of ~A FAILED ~ -- signature from ~A ~ -- ~A" url sig-url signature)) (format t "passed~%") (force-output) (rename-file temp-file file)))) (defun sha256-checked-fetch (url expected-sha256-string file) (let ((temp-file (qmerge "tmp/sha256-data.dat"))) (fetch url temp-file) (format t "~&; Verifying SHA256...") (force-output) (let ((actual-sha256-string (file-sha-string 'sha256 temp-file))) (unless (equalp expected-sha256-string actual-sha256-string) (error "SHA256 checked fetch of ~A failed: ~%~ Expected: ~S~%~ Actual--: ~S" url expected-sha256-string actual-sha256-string)) (format t "passed~%") (force-output) (rename-file temp-file file)))) (defvar *quickstart-parameters* nil "This plist is populated with parameters that may carry over to the initial configuration of the client, e.g. :proxy-url or :initial-dist-url") (defvar *quicklisp-hostname* "release.quicklisp.org") (defvar *client-info-url* (format nil "http://~A/client/quicklisp.sexp" *quicklisp-hostname*)) (defclass client-info () ((setup-url :reader setup-url :initarg :setup-url) (asdf-url :reader asdf-url :initarg :asdf-url) (client-tar-url :reader client-tar-url :initarg :client-tar-url) (version :reader version :initarg :version) (plist :reader plist :initarg :plist) (source-file :reader source-file :initarg :source-file))) (defmethod print-object ((client-info client-info) stream) (print-unreadable-object (client-info stream :type t) (prin1 (version client-info) stream))) (defun safely-read (stream) (let ((*read-eval* nil)) (read stream))) (defun fetch-client-info-plist (url) "Fetch and return the client info data at URL." (let ((local-client-info-file (qmerge "tmp/client-info.sexp"))) (ensure-directories-exist local-client-info-file) (openpgp-checked-fetch url local-client-info-file) (with-open-file (stream local-client-info-file) (list* :source-file local-client-info-file (safely-read stream))))) (defun fetch-client-info (url) (let ((plist (fetch-client-info-plist url))) (destructuring-bind (&key setup asdf client-tar version source-file &allow-other-keys) plist (unless (and setup asdf client-tar version) (error "Invalid data from client info URL -- ~A" url)) (make-instance 'client-info :setup-url (getf setup :url) :asdf-url (getf asdf :url) :client-tar-url (getf client-tar :url) :version version :plist plist :source-file source-file)))) (defun client-info-url-from-version (version) (format nil "http://~A/client/~A/client-info.sexp" *quicklisp-hostname* version)) (defun distinfo-url-from-version (version) (format nil "http://~A/dist/quicklisp/~A/distinfo.txt" *quicklisp-hostname* version)) (defun client-info-sha256 (client-info type) (let* ((plist (plist client-info)) (info (getf plist type))) (unless info (error "Unknown client info type ~S" type)) (getf info :sha256))) (defvar *help-message* (format nil "~&~% ==== quicklisp quickstart install help ====~%~% ~ quicklisp-quickstart:install can take the following ~ optional arguments:~%~% ~ :path \"/path/to/installation/\"~%~% ~ :proxy \"http://your.proxy:port/\"~%~% ~ :public-key-file ~%~% ~ :client-url ~%~% ~ :client-version ~%~% ~ :dist-url ~%~% ~ :dist-version ~%~%")) (defvar *after-load-message* (format nil "~&~% ==== quicklisp quickstart ~A loaded ====~%~% ~ To continue with installation, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:install)~%~% ~ For installation options, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:help)~%~%" qlqs-info:*version*)) (defvar *after-initial-setup-message* (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (format t "~&~% ==== quicklisp installed ====~%~%") (format t " To load a system, use: (ql:quickload \"system-name\")~%~%") (format t " To find systems, use: (ql:system-apropos \"term\")~%~%") (format t " To load Quicklisp every time you start Lisp, use: (ql:add-to-init-file)~%~%") (format t " For more information, see http://www.quicklisp.org/beta/~%~%"))) (defvar *quickstart-public-key-file* *load-truename*) (defun save-initial-openpgp-key () (let ((header "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----") (trailer "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----") (destination (qmerge "openpgp-keys/release.quicklisp.org.asc"))) (ensure-directories-exist destination) (with-open-file (input-stream *quickstart-public-key-file*) (with-open-file (output-stream destination :direction :output ;; The initial public key ;; shouldn't already exist :if-exists :error) (loop for line = (read-line input-stream) when (search header line) do (write-line header output-stream) (return)) (loop for line = (read-line input-stream) if (search trailer line) do (write-line trailer output-stream) (return) else do (write-line line output-stream)))))) (defun initial-install (&key (client-url *client-info-url*) dist-url) (setf *quickstart-parameters* (list :proxy-url *proxy-url* :initial-dist-url dist-url)) (save-initial-openpgp-key) (ensure-directories-exist (qmerge "tmp/")) (let ((client-info (fetch-client-info client-url)) (tmptar (qmerge "tmp/quicklisp.tar")) (setup (qmerge "setup.lisp")) (asdf (qmerge "asdf.lisp"))) (sha256-checked-fetch (client-tar-url client-info) (client-info-sha256 client-info :client-tar) tmptar) (unpack-tarball tmptar :directory (qmerge "./")) (sha256-checked-fetch (setup-url client-info) (client-info-sha256 client-info :setup) setup) (sha256-checked-fetch (asdf-url client-info) (client-info-sha256 client-info :asdf) asdf) (rename-file (source-file client-info) (qmerge "client-info.sexp")) (load setup :verbose nil :print nil) (write-string *after-initial-setup-message*) (finish-output))) (defun help () (write-string *help-message*) t) (defun non-empty-file-namestring (pathname) (let ((string (file-namestring pathname))) (unless (or (null string) (equal string "")) string))) (defun install (&key ((:path *home*) *home*) ((:proxy *proxy-url*) *proxy-url*) ((:public-key-file *quickstart-public-key-file*) *quickstart-public-key-file*) client-url client-version dist-url dist-version) (setf *home* (merge-pathnames *home* (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))) (let ((name (non-empty-file-namestring *home*))) (when name (warn "Making ~A part of the install pathname directory" name) ;; This corrects a pathname like "/foo/bar" to "/foo/bar/" and ;; "foo" to "foo/" (setf *home* (make-pathname :defaults *home* :directory (append (pathname-directory *home*) (list name)))))) (let ((setup-file (qmerge "setup.lisp"))) (when (probe-file setup-file) (multiple-value-bind (result proceed) (with-simple-restart (load-setup "Load ~S" setup-file) (error "Quicklisp has already been installed. Load ~S instead." setup-file)) (declare (ignore result)) (when proceed (return-from install (load setup-file)))))) (if (find-package '#:ql) (progn (write-line "!!! Quicklisp has already been set up. !!!") (write-string *after-initial-setup-message*) t) (call-with-quiet-compilation (lambda () (let ((client-url (or client-url (and client-version (client-info-url-from-version client-version)) *client-info-url*)) ;; It's ok for dist-url to be nil; there's a default in ;; the client (dist-url (or dist-url (and dist-version (distinfo-url-from-version dist-version))))) (initial-install :client-url client-url :dist-url dist-url)))))) (write-string *after-load-message*) ;;; End of quicklisp.lisp