* Changes in Shuffletron 0.0.5 relative to Shuffletron 0.0.4:
** New feature: Mac OS X support
** New feature: 'next' command preserves current song in loop mode, while 'skip' discards it.
** New feature: 'ignore' tag hides files from library/queries. To reveal ignored files, do "tagged ignore".
** New feature: Multiple profile/library support, chosen from the command line. See --help for details.
** New feature: 'all' command adds whole selection to queue (synonym for "+0-")
** New feature: tagall/untagall commands, for applying tags to the entire selection.
** New feature: 'ls' command (alias for 'show')
** New feature: 'prescan' command toggles prescan of file before playback (needed for accurate seek, undesirably on huge files or slow filesystems)
** New feature: 'seek' command supports relative times via +/- prefix before the time
** New feature: Divergence of 'skip' versus 'next' commands within loop mode: 'next' enqueues the current song before continuing, 'skip' does not.
** Useful symbols are now exported from the SHUFFLETRON package, for the sake of hacking extensions.
** Fix printing of dates by the alarm feature.
** Fix directory scan on some OSes/filesystems (e.g. sshfs) where readdir doesn't provide a d_type.
** Random command changed to choose from within the current selection, not the whole library.
** Source code reorganization - no longer one huge sprawling file!

* Changes in Shuffletron 0.0.4 relative to Shuffletron 0.0.3:
** Correct counting of file numbers while scanning library.
** Notes about building, and an issue with recent libmpg123 versions on 32-bit Intel.

* Changes in Shuffletron 0.0.3 relative to Shuffletron 0.0.2:
** Binaries might really work this time
** New commands: killtag, qdrop, qtag, fromqueue, toqueue, random, stop, play

* Shuffletron 0.0.2:
** First public release