API for package S-SYSDEPS

S-SYSDEPS is an abstraction layer over platform dependent functionality

(all-processes)   function

Return a list of all processes currently running

(current-process)   function

Return the object representing the current process

(kill-process process)   function

Kill the process represented by the object process

(make-process-lock name)   function

Create a named process lock object

(open-socket-stream host port)   function

Create and open a bidirectional client TCP/IP socket stream to host:port

(run-process name function &rest arguments)   function

Create and run a new process with name, executing function on arguments

(start-standard-server &key port name connection-handler)   function

Start a server process with name, listening on port, delegating to connection-handler with stream as argument

(with-process-lock (lock) &body body)   function

Execute body wih the process lock grabbed, wait otherwise

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