API for package S-HTTP-CLIENT

A Basic HTTP Client

*default-http-client-state*   variable

The default, globally shared HTTP client state
Initial value: "#<S-HTTP-CLIENT:HTTP-CLIENT-STATE 1144B483>"

*http-client-accept*   variable

The value to use for the 'Accept' request header
Initial value: "*/*"

*http-client-agent*   variable

The value to use for the 'User-Agent' request header
Initial value: "HTTP Client LispWorks 4.4.6"

(close-all-connections http-client-state &key abort)   generic-function

Close all open connections in http-client-state (optionaly aborting them)

(do-http-request uri &key (method :get) content content-type basic-authorization headers proxy state)   function

Execute an HTTP request, returns (VALUES body code headers uri kept-alive-state)

http-client-state   class

Object holding all HTTP client state
Class precedence list: http-client-state standard-object t

(make-http-client-state)   function

Make a new HTTP client state object to hold open (keepalive) connections

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