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Package cxml-rng

cxml-rng implements Relax NG schema validation for Closure XML.

Support for Compact Syntax and DTD Compatibility is included.

About This Package

Parsing and validating
Grammar introspection


(cxml:parse-file "test.xml"
                  (cxml-rng:parse-schema #p"test.rng")))    


An instance of this class represents a Relax NG grammar that has been parsed and simplified.

The class of all validation and schema parsing errors. ...

The class of DTD compatibility errors. ...

Parsing and validating

This function parses a Relax NG schema file in XML syntax ...

This function parses a Relax NG schema file in compact syntax ...

This function creates a validation handler for schema ...

This function creates a handler for DTD Compatibility processing ...

Grammar introspection

The following classes and function are exported so that users can take a peek at the internals of the parsed and simplified grammar.

Reader function for the grammar's start pattern, from which all of the grammar's patters are reachable.

This pattern specifies that an attribute of a certain name class is required. ...

This pattern specifies that one of two possible subpatterns are allowed at the current position, given as its children. ...

This pattern specifies that text of a specific data type is expected. ...

This pattern specifies that an element of a certain name class is required. ...

This pattern specifies that nothing more is expected at the current position. ...

This pattern specifies that two subpatterns are required at the current position in a specific order. ...

This pattern specifies that two possible subpatterns are allowed to occur in any order at the current position. ...

This pattern specifies that a subpatterns is allowed multiple times a the current position, with whitespace as a separator. ...

This pattern specifies that the part of the schema reached at this point is not valid. ...

This pattern specifies that its subpattern is allowed to occur at the current position one or more times. ...

The superclass of all patterns. ...

This pattern references another part of the pattern graph. ...

This pattern specifies that text is expected here. ...

This pattern specifies that a specific value is expected as text here. ...

Returns the pattern's sub-pattern. ...

Returns the first of two sub-patterns the pattern instance has. ...

Returns the second of two sub-patterns the pattern instance has. ...

Returns the pattern's name class. ...

Returns the ref pattern's target. ...

Returns the data type expected at this position. ...

Returns the string expected at this position. ...

Returns the value expected at this position. ...

The data type parameters for this data pattern. ...

Returns the data instance's except pattern. ...

Exported Symbol Index

any-name, class
any-name-except, function
attribute, class
choice, class
data, class
dtd-compatibility-error, class
element, class
empty, class
group, class
interleave, class
list-pattern, class
make-dtd-compatibility-handler, function
make-validating-source, function
make-validator, function
name, class
name-class, class
name-class-choice, class
name-class-choice-a, function
name-class-choice-b, function
name-lname, function
name-uri, function
not-allowed, class
ns-name, class
ns-name-except, function
ns-name-uri, function
one-or-more, class
parse-compact, function
parse-schema, function
pattern, class
pattern-a, function
pattern-b, function
pattern-child, function
pattern-element, function
pattern-except, function
pattern-name, function
pattern-params, function
pattern-string, function
pattern-type, function
pattern-value, function
ref, class
rng-error, class
rng-error-column-number, function
rng-error-line-number, function
rng-error-system-id, function
schema, class
schema-start, function
serialize-schema, function
text, class
value, class