
Precompiled bknr (and bknr.datastore) documentation can be found at bknr's home-page. Uncompiled documentation is enclosed in this repository.

installing through clbuild

In order to install bknr through clbuild, you should add (at least) the following:

alexandria              get_git git://common-lisp.net/projects/alexandria/alexandria.git
bknr-datastore          get_git http://github.com/hanshuebner/bknr-datastore.git
yason                   get_svn svn://bknr.net/svn/trunk/libraries/yason/
unit-test               get_svn svn://bknr.net/svn/trunk/thirdparty/unit-test

my-dependencies (only for bknr-datastore itself)
bknr-datastore alexandria arnesi babel bordeaux-threads cl-interpol cl-store cl-unicode closer-mop closure-common cxml fiveam flexi-streams lift md5 puri trivial-features trivial-gray-streams trivial-utf-8 unit-test yason

at the terminal
./clbuild install bknr-datastore
./clbuild lisp --eval "(require 'bknr.datastore)"