API for package S-UTILS

S-UTILS is collection of Common Lisp utilities

+en-duration-unit-names+   variable

English time duration unit name constant strings
Initial value: #("year" "day" "hour" "minute" "second")

+us-date-format+   variable

US English style date-only format
Initial value: (:DAY-NAME #\Space :MONTH-NAME #\Space :DATE #\Space :YEAR)

+us-day-names+   variable

US English short day name constant strings
Initial value: ("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun")

+us-month-names+   variable

US English short month name constant strings
Initial value: ("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")

+us-time-format+   variable

US English style date-time format
Initial value: (:DAY-NAME #\Space :MONTH-NAME #\Space :DATE #\Space :YEAR #\Space :HOUR #\: :MINUTE #\: :SECOND)

(copy-stream in out &optional (buffer (make-string 4096)))   function

Copy all data from input stream in to output stream out using buffer (and read/write-sequence)

(format-duration seconds &key (unit-names +en-duration-unit-names+) stream)   function

Format seconds as duration using unit-names, if stream is not nil use it, else return a string

(format-iso-gmt-time universal-time &key stream)   function

Format universal time using a simple and fast 'ISO GMT' style, if stream is not nil use it, else return a string

(format-universal-time universal-time &key (format +us-time-format+) (day-names +us-day-names+) (month-names +us-month-names+) timezone stream)   function

Format universal time using format, day-names and month-names, if stream is not nil use it, else return a string

(make-subdirectory basedir subdir)   function

Give a pathname, basedir, of a directory, create a subdirectory with name subdir

(parse-integer-safely string &key (start 0) end (radix 10) default)   function

Like parse-integer, but will return default on error, accepts nil as argument

(pathname-parent pathname)   function

Given a pathname, return the parent pathname

(tokens string &key (start 0) (separators (list #\Space #\Return #\Newline #\Tab)))   function

Split string in a list of tokens using separators, a list of characters

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