Package: cxml-types

Class month-day-type


xsd-type, data-type, cxml-types::time-ordering-mixin, cxml-types::ordering-mixin, common-lisp:standard-object, sb-pcl::slot-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses



The gMonthDay data type, representing a calendar month and day.

Syntax. This type accepts an ISO-like syntax. For details refer to the specification.

Implementation. This type returns the same kind of lists as date-time-type, except that the fields year, hour, minute and second are filled with dummy values from the Gregorian year AD 1.

Parameters. This type is ordered and allows the parameters max-inclusive, min-inclusive, max-exclusive, and min-exclusive. The ordering is partial except within a timezone, see the spec for details.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also