2007-02-21  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* benchmark/.cvsignore, benchmark/bench-add.lisp, benchmark/bench-hprod.lisp, benchmark/bench-mult.lisp, benchmark/bench-scale.lisp, benchmark/bench-subtr.lisp, benchmark/benchmarks.lisp, clem-benchmark.asd, make-dist.sh, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/scale.lisp, src/transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.13
	 * splitting benchmarks up into multiple files and adding more

2007-02-20  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* benchmark/benchmarks.lisp, benchmark/defpackage.lisp, clem-benchmark.asd, clem.asd, src/add.lisp, src/defpackage.lisp, src/matrix-classes.lisp, src/matrixops.lisp, src/scale.lisp, src/subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.12
	 * moved benchmarks stuff into its own package/directory/asdf
	 * moved scale stuff from defmatrix-scale.lisp to scale.lisp and
	   reworked to simplify. added mat-scale-2 that takes both input and
	   destination matrices. reworked mat-scale to take :in-place and to
	   figure out types and call mat-scale-2 appropriately.
	 * fixed a type bug in mat-mult and added more matrix mult types

2007-02-17  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* test/bench-matrix.cl, test/benchmarks.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.11
	 * added more benchmarking stuff (beginning of a new approach)

2007-01-24  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-debug.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.10
	 * fixing more array declarations

2007-01-23  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/matrixops.lisp, src/mloop.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.9
	 * in laplacian-2, scale the result of discrete-convolve in-place
	 * make some array declarations be * instead of (* *)
	 * whitespace in move.lisp
	 * change semantics of matrix-move-range-2d to be more lispy (that is (0 5)
	   includes 0, but not 5
	 * change matrix-move to match
	 * indentation

2007-01-18  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/move.lisp, test/test-clem2.cl, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.8
	 * fix bug in matrix-move
	 * add some in-place tests

2007-01-13  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/add.lisp, src/subtr.lisp, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.7
	 * fix an error message in mat-add-range
	 * add subtr.lisp

2007-01-09  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/defpackage.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/matrixops.lisp, src/transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.6
	 * removed some oudated exported symbols
	 * reworked mat-subtr
	 * fixed gradmag and graddir
	 * fixed affine-transformation to work with n-d matrices
	 * fixed mat-subtr of affine-transformations

2007-01-08  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/logical-operations.lisp, src/macros.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref-debug.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, test/test-add.lisp, test/test-normalize.lisp, test/test-not.lisp, test/test-sum.lisp, test/test-typed-mref.lisp, clem.asd, doc/clem.sexp, src/add.lisp, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.5
	 * continuing the reorganization
	 * minor documentation update
	 * fixing add.lisp
	 * reorganized with-typed-matrix-vals and friends
	 * min and max now work with n-d matrices
	 * added license to logical-operations.lisp
	 * clean up logical-operations.lisp
	 * add (:allow-in-place t) keyword arg to def-binary-op
	 * clen up mref
	 * remove moved files
	 * add some tests

2007-01-07  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/abs.lisp, src/add.lisp, src/arithmetic.lisp, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/defpackage.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/print.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/transform.lisp, src/typed-matrix.lisp, src/vector.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.4
	 * continuing the reorganization
	 * added license information to some files
	 * working on making functions work with n-dimensional matrices

	* src/abs.lisp, src/add.lisp, src/arithmetic.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/exponential.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, src/log.lisp, src/logical-operations.lisp, src/macros.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/normalize.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, test/test-clem.cl, version.lisp-expr, clem.asd:
	clem 0.3.3
	 * continuing the reorganization
	 * rewrite with-typed-mref to work properly

2007-01-06  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.sexp, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, test/bench-matrix.cl, test/test-clem.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.2
	 * deleted with-typed mref and commented out mref methods
	 * spacing changes
	 * add mref, row-major-mref, matrix-total-size, matrix-dimensions and
	   with-typed-mref macros
	 * matrix-move-range -> matrix-move-range-2d
	 * reworked dim, cols and rows to work n-d matrices
	 * removed mat-add-inline and mat-add!-inline
	 * added fallback untyped matrix-move for matrix and integer-matrix
	 * fixed some test stuff

2007-01-03  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.1
	 * adding :dimensions arg
	 * making rows and columns reader functions work

2006-12-27  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* STYLE, bootstrap.cl, bootstrap.lisp, clem.asd, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/n-d-matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.3.0
	 * getting ready for the big switch to n-dimensional matrices

2006-12-16  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/defmatrix-types-debug.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-equal.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-equal.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subset-matrix.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subset-matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.11
	 * second stage of the big file rename/consolidation
	   this time for the typed-ops
	   + .cl -> .lisp files
	   + just use standard :cl-source-file asdf type

	* src/print.cl, src/print.lisp, src/row-vector.cl, src/scalar-types.cl, src/scalar.cl, src/scalar.lisp, src/transform.cl, src/transform.lisp, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.lisp, src/typed-matrix.cl, src/typed-matrix.lisp, src/vector.lisp, Makefile, NEWS, clem.asd, src/base-vector.cl, src/col-vector.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/defpackage.cl, src/defpackage.lisp, src/early-matrix.cl, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/generics.cl, src/interpolation.cl, src/interpolation.lisp, src/matrix-classes.cl, src/matrix-classes.lisp, src/matrix.cl, src/matrix.lisp, src/matrixops.cl, src/matrixops.lisp, src/matrixutils.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/metaclasses.lisp, src/mloop.cl, src/mloop.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.10
	 * first stage of the big file rename/consolidation
	   + .cl -> .lisp files
	   + just use standard :cl-source-file asdf type
	   + consolidate vector stuff in one file
	 * remove cruft

	* clem.asd, src/early-matrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/print.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.9
	 * add print file, start to simplify asdf dependencies
	 * fix matrix-argument-error so that it now works with a :cause initarg
	 * break out generics into a protocol section at the beginning of
	 * add some documentation to the protocol defgenerics
	 * remove list-if
	 * remove dim-1
	 * rework m* logic so that it works more as one would expect, and
	   documented that behavior!

2006-12-14  Cyrus Harmon  <cyrus@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog, src/matrix-classes.cl, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.2.8
	 * made real-matrix and complex-matrix be subtypes of number-matrix instead of t-matrix

2006-12-11  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.2.7
	 * forgot to update ChangeLog

2006-12-11  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* bootstrap.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/transform.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.6
	 * spacing fixes
	 * fix maxvalue in defmatrix.cl
	 * add clem-user package
	 * types for affine-transformation-7-parameters need to be unquoted

2006-09-19  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, doc/clem-performance.sexp, src/matrixops.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.5
	 * added some comments about boxed and unboxed representation of lisp
	   data objects
	 * Added a question about extensible arrays
	 * set-val - set-val-fit in dilate (or was it erode?)
	 * added mbitnor
	 * added some more type inference in defmatrix-scale

2006-08-30  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/defmatrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.4
	  * added with-typed-map-range macro
	  * added matrix->list
	  * added destination optional argument for matrix-l2-distance
	   (performance optimization)
	 * trying to make matrix-move and mat-square faster

2006-08-27  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/defpackage.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/transform.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-equal.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.3
	* add defmatrix-equal file with mat-equal operation
	* matrix-medians takes a list of matrices, not &rest matrices
	* added matrix-l2-distance
	* added docstring about interpolation types

2006-08-09  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.sexp, make-dist.sh, src/defpackage.cl, src/matrixops.cl, test/scratch.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	clem 0.2.2
	  * use asdf-package:package-system instead of ch-util:make-dist in make-dist.sh
	  * fix references
	  * add and export matrix-means and matrix-medians
	  * add enable-bracket-reader-macro to scratch file

2006-07-29  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/metaclasses.cl, version.lisp-expr: clem
	  * added finalize-inheritance call in initialize-instance
	    and reinitialize-instance methods for standard-matrix-class

	* src/matrixops.cl, version.lisp-expr: clem
	  * added standard-deviation and matrix-means

2006-07-17  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	  * added an add function for ub32 and ub8

2006-07-06  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.sexp: lowercase tags

	* src/matrix.cl, version.lisp-expr: clem
	  * added mat-scalar-op methods that take numbers
	  * added mat-subtr ops where one arg is a number, so m- works with
	    numbers now

2006-06-29  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/defpackage.cl, src/transform.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	   * added affine-transformation-7-parameters and associated functions

2006-06-26  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* NEWS, doc/clem-performance.sexp, doc/clem.gmarkup, src/defmatrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/transform.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, test/bench-matrix-2.cl, test/bench-matrix.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* smarkup changes
	* normalize now takes a copy parameter
	* added graddir for computing the gradient direction
	* added laplacian-2 with a different matrix
	* removed the 7-parameter :initargs from affine-transformation
	* stopped trying to keep a 7-parameter representation in six with the matrix
	  representation of an affine transformation
	* affine transforamtion scaling is no longer exponential
	* added mat-mult/scale/add/subtr/hprod methods for affine-transfromations
	  (but perhaps these can go away now?)
	* added mat-scale-fit and friends
	* added some more types for defmatrix-subtr
	* comment indentation
	* benchmarks

2006-06-09  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem-doc.asd: * gigamonkeys markup -> smarkup

	* clem.asd: * Added ChangeLog to the asdf

	* NEWS: * update NEWS

	* ChangeLog: * update ChangeLog

	* doc/clem.sexp: * now works with smarkup instead of gigamonkeys markup

	* src/matrixops.cl: * comment out dilate-orig and erode-orig
	* added defgenerics for threshold binary-threshold and

2006-06-04  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* TODO, clem-doc.asd, doc/clem-performance.sexp, doc/clem.sexp, doc/simple.css, make-tinaa-docs.lisp, src/defpackage.cl, src/early-matrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* update TODO items
	* replace clem.gmarkup with clem.sexp
	* increase tinaa::*short-documentation-length*
	* add initial performance documentation
	* add css file
	* aad some more exported symbols
	* add docstring to random-matrix

	* src/matrix.cl:
	* throw an error on attempt to multiply incongruent matrices

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl:
	* Throw an error on attempt to multiply incongruent matrices

2006-05-10  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/early-matrix.cl, src/matrix-classes.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/transform.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl, test/bench-matrix-2.cl, test/bench-matrix.cl, test/mref-tests.cl, test/test-gradmag.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* moved some early matrix class definition stuff into early-matrix.
	* moved the rest of the matrix class definitions into matrix-classes.
	* removed the eval-when stuff from defmatrix-types.
	* exported some more symbols (mref, copy-to-ub16-matrx,
	  copy-to-ub32-matrix, sb8-scalar, ub8-scalar, mlogior, mlogand,
	* added dim1 to get the size of one array dimension.
	* scale x and y derivative matrices.
	* added laplacian, binary-threshold and complement-matrix functions.
	* added updated-affine-transformation-slots and
	  set-affine-transformation-matrix, to allow for updating to of the
	  matrix parameters directly, adjusting the slots accordingly.
	* removed mref2
	* added some more benchmarks and tests

2006-05-03  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/bench-matrix.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* added some fixnum declarations in convolve and mult that muffle some
	* getting ready to replace the arefs with mref sbcl compiler hackery

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl:
	checking in my hinky sbcl deftransform stuff before i go and mess it up

2006-04-18  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/matrix.cl, src/mloop.cl, src/transform.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* added mloop file for mloop macro for looping over matrices
	* fixed some depends
	* removed map-matrix
	* removed some spurious clem: package designators
	* added new copy-to-{ub16,ub32,sb8,sb16,sb32}-matrix
	* use mloop in defmatrix-add to simplify the logic a bit
	* added bit-matrix bit-matrix add
	* add a small epsilon before calling floor in %transform-matrix

2006-04-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* version.lisp-expr, clem.asd, src/generics.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	* added generics file with generic funciton definitions
	* mat-add!-range -> mat-add-range!
	* added some fixnum declarations in discrete convolution and
	  affine transformation routines
	* added some defgenerics to quiet warnings

2006-04-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/scalar-types.cl, src/scalar.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.cl, version.lisp-expr:
	* add scalar-types.cl
	* added some typed scalar-matrix add functions. this is a hack and
	  should be cleaned up soon.
	* added more typed mlogior/mlogxor/mlogand methods

2006-04-08  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* version.lisp-expr, make-tinaa-docs.lisp, make-dist.sh, clem.asd, clem-test.asd, clem-doc.asd:
	 * tinaa docs
	 * version.lisp-expr stuff

2006-04-05  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* make-tinaa-docs.lisp: added lisp files for loading to make tinaa docs

	* clem.asd, bootstrap.cl: cleaning up tinaa doc stuff

	* clem.asd, bootstrap.cl: tinaa stuff

2006-04-03  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.cl, clem.asd:
	Added defmatrix-unary-op

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl:
	   * left a debugging print in. remove it.

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.cl, src/matrix.cl, clem.asd, TODO:
	    * Reworked matrix printing logic
	    * Added make-load-form
	    * Added defmatrix-binary-op with mlogand, mlogior, mlogxor and
	      destructive and range variants
	    * Better type inference for destination matrix for mat-subtr
	    * New TODO:  min-val and max-val -> mmin, mmax

2006-03-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, clem-test.asd, ChangeLog:     * Bump version number
	    * Update ChangeLog

2006-01-26  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.gmarkup: minor matrix printing change.

	* ChangeLog: commit ChangeLog changes

2006-01-26  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.gmarkup: minor matrix printing change.

	* ChangeLog: commit ChangeLog changes

2006-01-26  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* doc/clem.gmarkup: fix bib ref

2006-01-25  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/bench-matrix.cl: add more benchmarks

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl:
	add some SBCL specific matrix multiplication hacks

	* src/defpackage.cl: add mat-hprod
	remove dups

	* clem-doc.asd: add doc asdf file

	* doc/clem.gmarkup: checking in outline.

2006-01-23  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl:
	* matrix-move-range and matrix-move-range-constrain now take range
	  arguments in both the source and destination matrix so that one can
	  move part of the src matrix to a different part of the dest matrix.
	* Added generics for matrix-move-range and matrix-move-range-constrain.

	* src/transform.cl, src/matrix.cl:
	* mat-copy-proto-dim now takes an initial element
	* transform-matrix truncates rows and cols to get matrix with
	    integral # of rows and cols

2006-01-05  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, bootstrap.cl:
	fixing MOP stuff for CMUCL

2006-01-03  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* TODO: work on TODO list.

2005-12-05  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd: * bumped version number, added NEWS

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl:
	* some with-typed-matrix-vals that I missed. (needed to remove the t
	  for the removed specialized-array arg.

2005-12-05  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* TODO: update clem TODO list.

	* test/test-clem.cl: some more minor tests

	* src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	* removed the specialized-array cruft.
	* fixed some of the macro-logic to make complex scalar row ops

	* src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	* finally got inheritance of meta-class slots from parent classes. I'm
	  not sure if this is the wisest thing, but it seems to work, and
	  solves some OAOO problems.
	* removed a bunch of now extraneous val-formats and what not.

2005-12-04  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/metaclasses.cl:
	metaclass stuff with debug comments on in case we need to go back here

	* src/transform.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defmatrix.cl:
	* check for zero slope in normalize so we don't get a divide-by-zero
	* remove print statements in horzcat and vertcat
	* keep working on filling ancestor slots. I think i've got it
	  this time. the problem is that we need both the slotname
	  and the initarg. because they can be different, we probably should
	  check for that explicitly. At the moment, we just cons up a keyword
	  and use that for the initarg.
	* added new affine-transform generic and method.
	* added resize-matrix (which scales, not pads the matrix)

2005-11-29  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/defmatrix.cl: use (truncate instead of (truncate (/

2005-11-12  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog: updating ChangeLogs

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.cl: added mat-sqrt

	* src/matrixops.cl:
	do an in-place in grad-mag to avoid consing a new matrix

	* test/test-convolve.cl: adding more convolution tests

	* src/metaclasses.cl:
	removed initform nil from minval and maxval. This needs more testing!!

	* src/matrixops.cl: removed bogus comment about gradmag being broken

	* src/matrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl: trim-one -> mat-trim

	* src/defmatrix.cl:
	improve the test for maybe truncate to do the right thing for reals.

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subset-matrix.cl, clem.asd:
	* added defmatrix-subset-matrix
	* and defmatrix-subset-matrix and defmatrix-square to the asd file

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.cl: adding typed square func

	* src/matrixops.cl:
	added norm-v to the discrete-convolve defgeneric keys

	* clem-test.asd: added test-convolve.cl to the asdf

	* src/matrixops.cl:
	trying to fix gradmag but convolve is busted! BROKEN! FIXME!

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl: removed timestamp

2005-11-11  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-transform.cl, clem-test.asd:
	cleaning up tests a (very) little bit

	* src/transform.cl: * added some documentation
	* moved things around a little bit

	* src/col-vector.cl: added a defgeneric for array->col-vector

	* src/matrixops.cl: added some defgenerics

2005-10-29  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>


2005-10-27  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd:
	adding some static files to the :clem system so that these get
	packaged up via make-dist.sh

2005-10-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/metaclasses.cl, src/defmatrix.cl:
	 * use map-set-val-fit in normalize instead of map-set-val
	 * inherit minval and maxval slots from ancestor matrix classes

2005-10-13  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* TODO, ChangeLog: updating ChangeLog and TODO

	* test/test-transform.cl, test/test-mean.cl, test/test-hprod.cl, test/test-dilate.cl, test/test-convolve.cl, test/test-clem.cl, test/mattest4.cl, src/defpackage.cl:
	exporting some symbols

	* clem-test.asd, clem.asd: bumping version number

2005-10-12  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* make-dist.sh: new make-dist shell scripts

2005-09-27  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl: added some add frobs

2005-09-07  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl:
	added frob for real-matrix to ub8-matrix

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl:
	added methods to add a scalar to a matrix

2005-09-03  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/metaclasses.cl:
	fixed metaclasses so that the really do inherit properties
	  from ancestor meta-classes
	add hprod frobs for complex and real matrices

2005-09-01  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl:
	added some more frobs for complex, rea, etc...

2005-08-31  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog, TODO, clem.asd, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.cl, test/test-transform.cl:
	added complex matrix type
	fixed up real, integer, number, etc... matrices a bit
	new functions log and abs
	moved range functions
	added test-transform.cl
	added (some, not all yet) new frobs for complex matrices, etc...

2005-08-31  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, clem.asd:
	initial support for complex matrices
	real, integer and float matrices should work now
	moved min and max into their own file
	currently only do min and max for real matrices and
	subtypes. we should fix this and use the min and max of the
	abs for complex matrices.

2005-08-30  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	added complex-matrix type
	changed the element-types for real-matrix, integer-matrix, etc... to
	  be real, integer, etc...

2005-07-24  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd: bumping version # again

	* clem.asd: made typed-ops depend on interpolation

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	whoops. forgot I had commented out some frobs.

	* clem.asd: bumped version #

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, src/matrix.cl:
	added :type fixnum arguments to matrix class definition
	fixed a bad bug in typed affine-transform routines where I
	  was setting a local column variable to the number of rows
	added a half variable and add .5d0 and call truncate instead
	of round, which I think was consing.

2005-07-23  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl: fixed a missing paren

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl: removed

2005-07-22  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	fixed the type of zero. I was declaring zero as the type of the coord,
	not of the value at the coord. this was compiling (safety 0) but
	causing the background to be hosed. whoops!

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl:
	removed unused third argument of frobs
	added more bit-matrix move types

	* src/transform.cl: :x and :y become :x-shift and :y-shift
	added decf-affine-transformation, move-affine-transformation,
	added type declarations to the affine-transformation slots
	added parameters-list function

2005-07-20  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog: updating changelogs

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	fixed how we compute the transform. the notions of x and y were messed up.

	* src/transform.cl:
	transform-coord now returns multiple-values x and y instead of a matrix
	added compute-bounds

	* src/metaclasses.cl:
	setting initform of val-format to a list to match how the :val-format
	  args come in from instances of the metaclass
	filling val-format from ancestor, for what that's worth

2005-07-19  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/bench-matrix.cl:
	added matrix-class to mat-subtr so we can deal w/ negative values

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl:
	removed duplicated mat-add definitions

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, clem.asd:
	moved add move and subtr into their own files
	working on optimized subtr into different matrix types

2005-07-18  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/scalar.cl, src/row-vector.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/col-vector.cl, src/base-vector.cl, clem.asd:
	added base-vector class
	lots of code-cleanup stuff
	 ... new defgenerics
	 ... some ignores
	removed some old code

2005-07-17  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/matrix.cl:
	more make-intern -> ch-util:make-intern
	fixed up a defgeneric that had too many &key args

	* src/metaclasses.cl: added some defgenerics and FIXMEs

	* src/defpackage.cl: added m+, m-, m* and m.*

	* clem.asd: added an order dependency in the typed matrix stuff.

	* src/defmatrix.cl: make-intern -> ch-util:make-intern

	* src/matrix.cl: added a bunch of defgenerics

2005-07-16  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/matrix.cl:
	ch-util::closest-common-ancestor -> ch-util:closest-common-ancestor

	* src/matrix.cl:
	renamed convenience arithmetic functions (matrix+, matrix-, et al.)
	reorded some stuff
	replaced closest-common-ancestor w/ ch-util::closest-common-ancestor

	* src/matrix.cl: added m.*
	made m* work with scalars
	m- now supports unary -

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl:
	try coercing before doing the scale. there's no need (I think) for not consing here...

	* src/matrixops.cl: removed old discrete-convolve cruft

	* src/matrix.cl:
	added print-object method for matrices so we don't have to rely on
	matrix-print anymore

2005-07-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-convolve.cl:
	fixing test to work with new separable-discrete-convolve

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl:
	separable-discrete-convolve now works better

	* src/matrixops.cl:
	added gaussian-kernel-1d (should really take dim args for the 2d
	messing with separable-discrete-convolve and gaussian-blur

	* src/matrix.cl:
	added sum-cols and sum-rows. I feel like I did this before, but i
	couldnt' find it. Note that these are untyped. Adding typed versions
	is trivial.

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl:
	ok, separable-discrete-convolve is in better shape now...

2005-07-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/row-vector.cl, src/col-vector.cl:
	allocate-matrix-vals now matches what matrix uses. this shoud probably go away, however.

	* clem.asd: added a depends on ch-util

	* test/test-convolve.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/matrixops.cl, doc/index.html:
	moved sum type-specific functions into their own file
	trying to make the convolve stuff work quickly
	removing timestamps

	* clem.asd: trying to get fast discrete-convolve working
	removing evil timestamps
	added a super-secret %%sum-range macro

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.cl: adding typed convolve functions

2005-07-13  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/transform.cl: timestamps are a bad idea in source files

	* src/interpolation.cl: time stamps are a bad idea in source files

	* src/defpackage.cl:
	export the following symbols: mat-copy-proto, affine-transformation,
	transform-matrix, matrix-move.

	* src/interpolation.cl:
	added a once-only macro around the bilinear-interp macro. I should
	probably do the same for the quadratic one.

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	using types for quadratic interp macros now

	* src/interpolation.cl:
	had to add a type argument to quadratic-kernel and quadratic
	interpolate to make SBCLs compiler happy.

	* clem.asd: added interpolation file to asd

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	added quadratic interpolation. not sure that these work with types
	other than double-float, however.

	* src/interpolation.cl: ... moved interpolation functions here.
	... added bilinear and quadratic interpolation routines.  note, these just
	interpolate the values, to actually interprolate the values in a
	matrix, say via an affine tranformation, see transform.cl

2005-07-12  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl: restore all of the frobs

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	use #. to compute the values for minval and maxval

2005-07-11  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	works fine for floats now. working on the rest...

	* src/transform.cl: added arguments for interpolation

	* src/transform.cl:
	make a subclass of double-float-matrix to hold the affine
	transformation parameters. appropriate changes to make this work

	* src/matrix.cl:
	added rvref and cvref for row-vector and column-vector refs.

	* src/defmatrix.cl: removed defmatrix-method

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	made %transform-matrix a lot faster by avoiding a full matrix-multiply
	using foley et al.'s trick that exploits the structure of the affine
	transformation matrix.

2005-07-10  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl:
	added more move/add/subtr types

	* src/transform.cl, clem.asd: added transform.cl

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl:
	changed the type-specific function from transform-matrix ->
	range over the space of the output matrix, not the input matrix

2005-07-08  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.cl, clem.asd:
	added defmatrix-transform which defines optimized transform-matrix functions

	* src/matrix.cl:
	added comments about the need for optimized invert-matrix routines

2005-07-07  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl: removed mat-mult-range
	made mat-mult3 non-consing

	* src/matrix.cl:
	rows and cols now use array-dimension instead of array-dimensions
	which is non-consing.

	* src/matrix.cl:
	array->matrix goes straight to matrix, not to row-vector, col-vector or scalar

2005-07-06  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem.cl, clem.asd, clem-test.asd: removing registry stuff
	fixing a type (ch-uti -> ch-util)

2005-07-01  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* Makefile, src/.cvsignore, src/typed-ops/.cvsignore, test/.cvsignore:
	adding Makefile and fixing up cvsignores

	* README, clem-test.asd, clem.asd, src/defpackage.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-debug.cl, test/test-clem.cl, test/test-defmatrix.cl:
	chutil -> ch-util
	cleaning up defmatrix ops a bit

	* test/test-defmatrix.cl, test/test-clem.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.cl, clem.asd, clem-test.asd:
	Added defmatrix-mult-block and some initial blocking mulitply functions which
	  are about 2x faster
	Fixing up test packages to work under the new scheme

2005-06-30  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, doc/index.html, src/.cvsignore, src/defmatrix-types-debug.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref-debug.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-debug.cl, test/.cvsignore, test/test-clem4.cl:
	various cleanups as I get ready to move this up two levels.

	* src/discrete-convolve-ppc.cl: removing

	* src/discrete-convolve-ppc.cl: adding this so that I can delete it.

2005-06-23  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-mult.cl, test/test-hprod.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/matrix.cl, clem.asd:
	* added test-hprod file and to clem-test.asd
	* added defmatrix-mult file and to clem.asd
	* map-matrix-copy now accepts a matrix-class argument and calls
	   make-instance instead of mat-copy-proto (which should go away!)
	* variance-window now returns a double-float-matrix
	* trying to make double -> integer matrix moves work properly
	* work on the tests a bit

2005-06-22  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem-test.asd: * added test-hprod file and to clem-test.asd
	* added defmatrix-mult file and to clem.asd
	* map-matrix-copy now accepts a matrix-class argument and calls
	   make-instance instead of mat-copy-proto (which should go away!)
	* variance-window now returns a double-float-matrix
	* trying to make double -> integer matrix moves work properly
	* work on the tests a bit

	* TODO: * updated TODO
	* added test-hprod file and to clem-test.asd
	* added defmatrix-mult file and to clem.asd
	* map-matrix-copy now accepts a matrix-class argument and calls
	   make-instance instead of mat-copy-proto (which should go away!)
	* variance-window now returns a double-float-matrix
	* trying to make double -> integer matrix moves work properly
	* work on the tests a bit

2005-06-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem2.cl:
	fixed single-float literal vals (were erroneous doubles)

	* src/defmatrix.cl: whoops. left some debug statements in here...

	* src/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/defmatrix-scale.cl:
	moved these files to typed-ops

	* test/test-clem2.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, clem.asd, LICENSE, ChangeLog:
	moved some typed matrix operations into their own directory
	   ... will move more soon
	added more typed hprods
	added more hprod tests via the frobber
	modified asdf to reflect above
	minor change to license
	changelog update

	* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.cl:
	moved files into their own directory

2005-06-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, clem-test.asd: more asdf cleanup

	* test/test-mean.cl, test/test-gaussian-convolve.cl, test/test-dilate.cl, test/test-defmatrix.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, test/test-clem.cl, test/mattest4.cl, test/mattest3.cl, test/bench-matrix.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl, src/defmatrix-hprod.cl, bootstrap.cl:
	* The big unsigned-byte -> ub8 and friends rename.
	  ... Now use ub32-matrix instead of unsigned-long matrix.
	      Some folks might hate the numbers, but word and long were
	      just too vague and all of those unsigned ints are in fact
	      bytes to lisp anyway!

2005-06-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem3.cl: making function names agree
	removing erroneous compiler output that popped in here somehow

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl:
	moved some method definition frobs into their own file so we don't
	have to compile everything so often

	* clem.asd, clem-test.asd:
	cleaned up asdf file logic a bit. Now there's a piece of code that
	  needs to go in each .asd file, but we don't get screwy behavior
	  based on partial overriding of asdf methods. Now each system gets
	  its own subclass of cl-source-file type and components are specified
	  as :clem-cl-source-file, for instance, instead of :file. Files
	  usually have .cl as the suffix, but this is easily changeable on a
	  per-system basis and fasls go in a separate directory.

	* test/test-clem3.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/defmatrix-hprod.cl, clem.asd, TODO:
	Added defmatrix-hprod and defmatrix-scale for matrix scale and hadamard product
	removed unused specialized-type parameter from with-map-range
	removed unused with-map-range-vals
	added some ignore declarations
	removed gensyms for loop variables when there was no macro body
	moved matrix-scale definitions into their own file
	added more tests

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	finally found the extraneous b and removed it!

2005-06-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem3.cl: making function names agree
	removing erroneous compiler output that popped in here somehow

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-move-add-subtr.cl:
	moved some method definition frobs into their own file so we don't
	have to compile everything so often

	* clem.asd, clem-test.asd:
	cleaned up asdf file logic a bit. Now there's a piece of code that
	  needs to go in each .asd file, but we don't get screwy behavior
	  based on partial overriding of asdf methods. Now each system gets
	  its own subclass of cl-source-file type and components are specified
	  as :clem-cl-source-file, for instance, instead of :file. Files
	  usually have .cl as the suffix, but this is easily changeable on a
	  per-system basis and fasls go in a separate directory.

	* test/test-clem3.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/defmatrix-hprod.cl, clem.asd, TODO:
	Added defmatrix-hprod and defmatrix-scale for matrix scale and hadamard product
	removed unused specialized-type parameter from with-map-range
	removed unused with-map-range-vals
	added some ignore declarations
	removed gensyms for loop variables when there was no macro body
	moved matrix-scale definitions into their own file
	added more tests

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	finally found the extraneous b and removed it!

2005-06-14  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem3.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix-scale.cl, src/defmatrix-hprod.cl, clem.asd, TODO:
	Added defmatrix-hprod and defmatrix-scale for matrix scale and hadamard product
	removed unused specialized-type parameter from with-map-range
	removed unused with-map-range-vals
	added some ignore declarations
	removed gensyms for loop variables when there was no macro body
	moved matrix-scale definitions into their own file
	added more tests

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	finally found the extraneous b and removed it!

	* test/test-clem3.cl, test/test-clem2.cl, clem-test.asd:
	Added tests for mat-scale and mat-scale!
	Added test-clem3 for messing around
	Added dependencies on defpackage in the asdf file

	* src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	added :execute to eval-when forms
	fixed accumulator type of signed-bytes and signed-words
	  ... (unsigned-byte 32) -> (signed-byte 32)
	added def-matrix-scale
	added forms to call def-matrix-scale for the basic types

2005-06-13  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* ChangeLog: more ChangeLog stuff.

	Added LICENSE and TODO. Removed TODO stuff from README.

	* clem.asd: removed util dependency

	* src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl:
	removed dependency on util. Had to copy some stuff over here to do it, however. Goes against OAOO but means we don't need util to run clem (except for the tests).

	* src/row-vector.cl, src/col-vector.cl:
	remove reference to undefined functions and call make-instance. WARNING: this hasn't been tested, but at least it compiles now!

2005-06-13  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	Added LICENSE and TODO. Removed TODO stuff from README.

	* clem.asd: removed util dependency

	* src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl:
	removed dependency on util. Had to copy some stuff over here to do it, however. Goes against OAOO but means we don't need util to run clem (except for the tests).

	* src/row-vector.cl, src/col-vector.cl:
	remove reference to undefined functions and call make-instance. WARNING: this hasn't been tested, but at least it compiles now!

2005-06-13  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/test-clem2.cl: adding new tests (slowly).

	* src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	val-format is now a metaclass option rather than a class allocated variable
	... added val-format stuff to metaclass
	added def-move-element and def-matrix-move
	added new matrix conversion/move functions
	... this still needs to be cleaned up!
	added def-matrix-move and supporting macros
	export #:identity-matrix and #:copy-to-bit-matrix
	trying to clean up the copy-to-<matrix-type> stuff

	* src/scalar.cl: use element-type instead of storage-type

	* src/row-vector.cl, src/col-vector.cl:
	Cleanup row-vector and col-vector
	... use element-type instead of storage-type
	... call make-instance instead of xxx-vector functions

2005-06-09  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/matrix.cl:
	  *  cleaned up the scalar-op stuff to use macros instead of eval

	* test/test-clem2.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	  * Lots of changes to clem. From here on out, I'll try to do a better
		job of documenting them.
	  * new matrix typed arithmetic functions.
	  * cleaning up the matrix macro system
	  * more tests

2005-05-12  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd: bumped version #.

	* src/defmatrix-types.cl:
	added eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) around the matrix
	definitions so that the function definitions can use the classes to DTRT.

2005-05-07  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem.asd, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/metaclasses.cl, src/typed-matrix.cl:
	finally! got things back to a working state.
	summary of major changes:
	1. matrix now is a standard-matrix-class
	2. added accessors for standard-matrix-class element type
	   and specialized-array-p or whatever
	3. funky eval-when hacks to get the matrix classes defined before the
	   functions which use the meta-data at function definition time
	   to generate the proper declare statements so that all of this
	   runs quickly.

2005-04-26  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* clem-test.asd, clem.asd, src/defmatrix-types.cl, src/defmatrix.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/metaclasses.cl:
	checkpoint so I can use on multiple computers.

	* test/test-clem2.cl, test/test-defmatrix.cl, test/test-gaussian-convolve.cl:
	fixing tests for new regime.

2005-04-19  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* test/bench-matrix.cl: getting ready to for metaclass stuff.

2005-04-18  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* src/matrix.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/typed-matrix.cl:
	checkpoint now that we cons a lot less than we used to when doing a
	discrete-convolve. We still have a little ways to go, but it's much
	better than before.

2005-04-15  Cyrus Harmon  <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com>

	* .cvsignore, README, bootstrap.cl, clem-test.asd, clem.asd, src/CHANGES, src/README, src/col-vector.cl, src/defpackage.cl, src/matrix.cl, src/matrixops.cl, src/matrixutils.cl, src/row-vector.cl, src/scalar.cl, src/typed-matrix-utils.cl, src/typed-matrix.cl, test/bench-matrix.cl, test/defpackage.cl, test/mat-test.cl, test/mattest2.cl, test/mattest3.cl, test/mattest4.cl, test/scratch.cl, test/test-clem.cl, test/test-convolve.cl, test/test-defmatrix.cl, test/test-dilate.cl, test/test-gaussian-convolve-1.cl, test/test-gaussian-convolve.cl, test/test-mean.cl, test/test-mult.cl, test/test-scalar.cl, test/vector-test.cl:
	renamed the matrix package to ... CLEM ...